Pantswetter2 · 90-99, M
Best part about wetting your pants is that it makes you feel young again. LOL
Foreverspringtime · 46-50, M
Aw! It happens at that age. It happened to me too, when I was young.
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Foreverspringtime · 46-50, M
@kingfish2: My original reply was to Deatheater24, who wet herself at the age of 5 or 6! But it happens in later life too, particularly with alcohol!

@Foreverspringtime: It happens.
Foreverspringtime · 46-50, M
Yeah! But I sure felt like I was 5 or 6 when it happened!
Wetone · 70-79, M
Happened just last week. Waited too long after lots of coffee. Lol
Stevewet · 61-69, M
Kingofslytherin · 26-30, T
I think I was 5 maybe 6 my teacher refused to let me go to the bathroom so I ended up wetting my pants cause I couldn't hold it