Eat them,but just break little bits that can easily replaced
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Peppa · 31-35, F
@Chocolatelover: who knows if they're my best friend is like to think they have my back. Even if it's for a lifetime supply of chocolate
Chocolatelover · 26-30, M
Thank you for all the well thought out responses
Peppa · 31-35, F
@Chocolatelover: awe thank you :-)
Isthiswrong90 · 31-35, F
Better me eat them than somebody else.
Chocolatelover · 26-30, M
@Isthiswrong90: exactly they're your best friend afterall.
Chocolatelover · 26-30, M
@Chocolatelover: Me and my friemd made a deal to eat the other if either became chocolate 😂
ExploringThoughts · 36-40, M
It depends, but I might just place them in the freezer so they don't end up all melted or keep them in some air-conditioned glass cube so I don't get the urge to eat them :P

What do you 'if' 🤔
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Go to the beach with them
Asm0deus · F
Break their Twix arm off and eat it.
Chocolatelover · 26-30, M
Very fitting
Chocolatelover · 26-30, M
So how long is he gonna last you?
Asm0deus · F
@Chocolatelover: not even a day
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
Hug them. And bite thier neck.

Bite them!