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If he thinks illegal immigrants are needed to be thrown out, he's the first one on the list.
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FreeSpirit1 · F
@Girlwithsilverheart: Native Americans spouted from the earth?

@ImAFreeSpirit: yes, just like whites sprouted from Europe 😂
FreeSpirit1 · F
@Girlwithsilverheart: That's not how it works.

Do you understand the concept of law and borders?
FreeSpirit1 · F
We should disolve all borders,passports,visas and identification Papers and allow everyone to come and stay here.

@Stereoguy: Yes, for people who have at least half a brain.
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@Stereoguy: Agreed.

Illegal aliens are just that, here illegally. It has nothing to do with race.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
You preserve what remains, bar entry to people that want to come in from countries that have self identified a claim that the US is bad, and kick the ones out who sneaked in to subvert and cause chaos by shifting the social and political landscape to their advantage. By the way. Most of us in the US are ALL other nationalities here. I can rattle off at least five of them that I can claim in my genetics. So drop the race and nationality crap, willya?
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Thx. And please pardon the use of the gd phrase it's never meant to start a religious fray.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Yes it has. Unequally invested, less physically exerted, more historically clustered selfish inbreeders who now that they have virtually all anyone might want. Then they sit there and tell us give away our jobs, our neighborhoods, even our family traditions so they can stuff us into their version of equality. It's an inferior equalness but they're just calling it an "affirmative action" or "progressive societal change." Obfuscational psychobabble.
Keelhaul the libertards. I've had it up to here with their phoney palonney. lol
Keelhaul the libertards. I've had it up to here with their phoney palonney. lol
Trying to make sense out of that is a losing battle. The point is, America, it's not your fault, it's theirs, and vote for me, and I'll beat them up and make sure you don't feel responsible.

I think you mean non-white nationalities
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
holy hell look at the sociopathy streak here!
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Illegal immigrants needs to be filtered out. But sometimes innocent ones are killed just because they are immigrants, illegal or not.
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