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What have you not done in ten years?

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Serenitree · F
Had sex. Actually it's been closer to 35 years. 😂 I'm finally old enough that I don't miss it anymore.

Jan. 15/17
1:25 pm
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Aw. A nice cup of hot chocolate and a film has lots of advantages 🙂
Serenitree · F
@pennynoodles: not necessary. One. I don't like hot chocolate much. Two, I don't need the comforting you seem to think I do. I've had opportunities. I'm celibate by choice.

Jan. 15/17
1:33 pm
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
@Serenitree: It was an attempt at a little humour, no offence meant and no assumptions formed either. Apologies.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
35 yrs ? Wow, you're beating me by 20 yrs. You're even more weird than me Tree. I mean that in a complimentary way. :-)
Serenitree · F
@pennynoodles: no apologies needed. I get so many people either pitying me, or saying I'm a liar, that it's just a knee jerk reaction. Nothing you said was wrong. I wasn't offended. I just thought that you figured I needed comforting. 🤗

Jan. 15/27
1:44 pm
Serenitree · F
@Wraithorn: 😅😂🤣
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@Serenitree: People do presume all kinds of weird things if you choose to abstain from sex don't they ? My own brother still asks me when I am going to bring a partner around for a visit. I've been telling him for 15 yrs now that it's not going to happen again. I think he has decided that I'm gay even though he is wrong. That's fine, maybe he'll stop bugging me about it now. :-)
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
@Wraithorn: It really isn't anyone else's business what you choose to do. People make assumptions on all sorts of things, like married women for example that don't want children. Some find it impossible to understand why on earth they don't want them. Each to their own, I say.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@pennynoodles: That's true. Expectations are one of the stresses in life. If we could just let people be who they want to be and accept that then we would all be a lot happier. I think it is awkward for people who have partners though to be around single people who are not even looking for a partner.

I think it's that so many conversations in social circles just automatically lead to romantic relationships etc. When people learn that I just don't do that any more they have trouble understanding it. Similar to having children ( I do have one myself) it is generally considered a normal part of life on Earth and in fact many people's reason for living. When people opt out of that it's not "normal". For many people it is normal to try and fix that abnormality in order to put their own minds at rest.

I understand that so I don't get upset when people don't believe me. It also has the side effect of making me more accepting of other people who are not "normal". :-)
Serenitree · F
@Wraithorn: oh,,and I may be 20 years ahead of you, but I'm about 25 years older. 😊

Jan. 15/17
2:15 pm