AnukBinary · M
I stand so close I like em to know what awesome smells like.. 😁
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
Some people swim in cologne/perfume because of showerphobia, so watch out
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
No. And those people make me very uncomfortable.
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
Yeah, I be like "You tryna cut in this 50 person line?"

I like breathing heavily behind them
i try to hold their hand
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
Omg, ima try this to a female if she's with her boyfriend
booboo · M
no...I saw a video of a woman that did that to a guy...she was elderly, he was in his 20's...basically she invaded his personal space, and he knocked her out right there at the checkout..
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
I'm guessing he was charged with things?
booboo · M
@FortyTheRapper: never heard if he was or not
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I stand behind the person before me.
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
Good man.. Good man

I wait for the Line to finish
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
I do this when the professor puts all the graded tests on the table
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
No, that's rather rude.
FortyTheRapper · 31-35, M
I thought so too. I guess not many as I thought did