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Have you ever gotten a random compliment, from a random stranger?

How did you react to it? I've gotten compliments on my hair and nails on more than one occasion, lol. Usually it's from a female and we sometimes end up exchanging beauty tips 🤷🏼‍♀️.
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Faust76 · 46-50, M
In real life? There's this thinking that unsolicited compliments are sexual harassment now though. It can be both of course, and the debates goes back and forth, but if it's a compliment from a guy I'd think it's a bit ehhh... certainly it's tricky.
As a guy I've gotten some, I think like most guys I don't really know how to respond when it comes from complete stranger.
@Faust76 Sexual harassment? Really???
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@SW-User @Faust76 i've heard the term i mentioned, "unwanted sexual advances", bandied about far too many times to risk it now, yes, for me
Faust76 · 46-50, M
@SW-User Social media, especially in wake of #MeToo, was full of things like videos of walking through a city recording everything where some thing were actually nice compliments, as well as those things like "I go to library to read books, that doesn't give you a right to talk to me or compliment me!".

Sure, a LOT of the criticism is justified, although some people seem just anti-social, but on the other side you never really know how the recipient will take it. A lot of the time even nice comments aren't without an ulterior motive, of course. But I'm getting sidetracked, good for you if you enjoy it.

As a guy I don't think we need to worry about the implications, and it feels good of course, although we may have to worry about our response.
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
Yes, I was honestly confused and thrown off. I smiled and said thank you. I was buying water at a gas station on the way home from a long road trip and the woman just stared straight into my eyes and said "you have the most gorgeous eyes I've seen". Honestly made my day.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
Such a shame it's too scary now to compliment anyone; "unwanted sexual advances" i think it could be called; the few ive gotten in my life really brightened my day, sad that it's too scary to possibly do the same for someone.....
ShaythePanTransMan · 22-25, T
Yes. If I was female, I’d probably get them more often, but I still get compliments. “I love your hair” is the usual one.
Yes. But i didn't take it seriously. 😂
@SW-User 😂
@SW-User 😎😃
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Rose415 So what do you think of Mike Colter & Would You Do Him
Wiseacre · F
Sure..many times!
I say "thank u".
HannahSky · F
I say, thank you.

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