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What's a dream you had as a child?

When I was either 11 or 12, I had a weird dream that I was being chased around my neighborhood by some kind of tickle monster. It wanted to tie me up and tickle me with its super long fingernails! 🤣
Henal · 26-30, F
I kept having a recurring dream about a woman standing in a kitchen and she was cooking. And then she’s shot with an arrow, by someone from outside. It was so fucking weird
MartikaDuponte1 · 36-40, F
So, a very reoccurring dream of mine was that the Spice Girls were planning on doing a big tour of the UK and, shock Horror, Geri (my fav!) gets a real bad sore throat! The gigs could be off!

Oh no!

Luckily (?!) Sporty happens to be passing my house when, amazingly, I am singing in the you do! Lol! I’m picked, plucked into stardom - the girls think i’m cooler than Geri - and I do the concerts....Geri gets better....and we become best mates.....

...and then I wake up!

M x
@MartikaDuponte1 Lolol...
MartikaDuponte1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User ......and THE embarrassing this was about it, what with their reunion tour recently, I had the very same dream for a week before the concert I went to!


M x
Peaches · F
To have a REAL mom and dad and not have to cry all the time.💙
@Peaches Awww 🙁
Peaches · F
@SW-User Some day we'll all understand.😏
@Peaches Haha, my parents would tell my brothers and I, "Some day you will understand" when it came to them using tough love.
There was one where there was a maze inside of a big greenhouse. Like, the hedges were all around you, almost like some sort of tube. And they'd release a toxin that would kill you, and you had to get out of the maze before it was released.
@SW-User Sounds like a video game level I've played, LOL.
Girlygirl099 · 26-30, F
I, too, had dreams of being tickled by this really creepy lady that was on an album cover that was at my Aunt's house. There would be like multiple of her chasing me and tickling me and it honestly freaked me out so much lol.
Travelbug · 56-60, F
I was with cannibals and one by one they ate my friends and there were just my friend Diane and I left and we were trying to escape and I woke up covered in sweat
@Travelbug Weird...
I woke up from a nap and my house was burning. I jumped out of the window as the flames burst into my room, but there was no one there to catch me...
@latinbutterfly Scary 👀
To break free from my narcissistic controlling father
DonWax5 · 26-30, M
@SW-User what a bastard he must been.
He was. I wasn’t afraid of the boogie man I was afraid of him. I had nightmares bc of him. @DonWax5
@SW-User That is really horrible. No child should have to live in fear of their own parent(s).
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Peaches · F
@TheyWhoseNameCanNotBeSpoken That's sooooo disgusting!!!😖
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DonWax5 · 26-30, M
tickled your bare soles?
@DonWax5 I don't think it had a foot fetish if I remember correctly 😂.
I dont remember anything
xixgun · M
Being able to fly
Aidan · 26-30
Spiders are my family
caccoon · 36-40
A recurring one I used to have was all black and white, of being wheeled down a long corridor in a hospital. And then looking down and my stomach was cut open and there was a weird alien in there... but it was basically just a weird head attached to a bottle like this:

@caccoon LOL
caccoon · 36-40
@SW-User I KNOW, so fucking weird.

And to think, at the time it was terrifying ahaha.

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