BlueVeins · 22-25
Only if it happens in a way that's already funny. I usually end up feeling a mix of pity and amusement.

Of course you laugh. Then you thank God it wasn't you going through the anguish.
IronPickle · 31-35, M
@SW-User well, I don't laugh. But I am very familiar with the feeling of being glad if it wasn't me. lol

Lol. Fair enough.
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
IronPickle · 31-35, M
@BrattyMel what does it depend on? :o
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
The circumstances. If it’s supposed to be funny or not. @IronPickle
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
LadyGemini · F
I feel indifferent
Selah ·
It turns me on.
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i usually just feel bad
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HowtoDestroyAngels · 46-50, M
I feel bad for them.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Would u laugh if it were u? Or laugh when some kid die from being kicked by another kid in a martial Arts match? Do u find that funny also.??
redredred · M
No. Its no more funny than seeing a woman getting hit in the breast.