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Lackwittyname · M
Possibly she is just a tease, possibly she is willing to cheat, who knows. What I do know is it is best to keep work and sex apart. As the saying goes, don't shit where you eat
Horsepower · 31-35, M
@Lackwittyname it's not like I am sex chatting with her but yeah I think she like my attention.
Helpinghands · M
Her boyfriend is a cuckold. He's gagging for you to make your move so he can be forced to his knees and made to watch her chomping on your boner.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
@Helpinghands lol, I think so
Helpinghands · M
@Horsepower 😉
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
Maybe she just be talkin and you're misinterpreting things
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Horsepower · 31-35, M
@NorthernRoses how do I explain?? You know when someone is flirtatious with you.
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
@Horsepower No, a lot of dudes just assume so.
Girls are a lot closer and giggly when talking to each other in general, so you really shouldn't assume.
Girls are a lot closer and giggly when talking to each other in general, so you really shouldn't assume.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
@NorthernRoses if you say so
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Best to keep your dink out of the company ink...👍
Horsepower · 31-35, M
@Keepitsimple lol, I think she needs attention
LamontCranston · M
Has this situation evolved since you wrote about it?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Dude, be careful. I got in bigtime hot water with the "teasy chick co-worker" thing. Don't think for a second that she won't turn that shit right around on you and go to HR.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Horsepower I got smacked(not literally) by a Borderline chick who went off the rails. They're not like us. They're way, way ahead of us. If she goes to HR you are f-ed. Best thing to do is act professionally.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
@uncalled4 I have conversations which says she's okay with me being talking to her too much. So yeah it's fine
MethDozer · M
People these days don't seem to understand that flirting is often times innocent and playful. A little light flirting doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to get with you or have sex with you.
Horsepower · 31-35, M
@MethDozer I don't mean she wants to have sex, but I think she likes to be a tease.