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Ewww, I smell a skunk!

Oh, wait...

That's just me after work...

Because I work with skunks 😅
marsbar · F
Omg. The skunk fetishists would absolutely LOVE you! Lol
Madelyn · 22-25, F
@marsbar Ahaha, nooooo 🤣
marsbar · F
@Madelyn 🤭
Is your olfactory channel still working? 😵
@Madelyn Lol...I meant like insert tampons in there or something....until you release them! 😝
Madelyn · 22-25, F
@Vivaci Hahaha, I wish 🤣 I was just told that it's part of the job. I have coworkers who also work with the skunks, and they're sometimes smelly too, so at least I'm not alone? 😝
@Madelyn Don't follow the sheep. ...get a tampon and try it on one tomorrow. Tell me how it goes....😀
ED2of6 · 36-40, M
If you don't mind me asking out of curiosity but have you ever been sprayed by a skunk before, at work or otherwise?
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
Cool. What type of job do you have?
Madelyn · 22-25, F
@Sroonaka616 I work at a wildlife center :)
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
@Madelyn cool.
Lol that was s good one.
Mguinm · 51-55, F

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