LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Lol. At least it's a pretty color. ;) A friend was bitten a couple years ago by a lone star tick and developed a severe allergy to beef. So I think turning blue might actually be better than no more steak or cheese burgers ever!!!
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LadyBronte · 56-60, F
@amObsolete Indeed a plus. ;)
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
@Bernie2 That was really rude.
Bernie2 · 51-55, M
@LadyBronte Was just a joke.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
No, but you could develop lyme disease or an anaphylactic reaction to eating beef. The anaphylaxis happened to a friend of mine after a tick bite. Be careful.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
That's good. Lol. But I have no idea how long before a person would have symptoms. It's a weird thing. And I'm glad you dont look like a smurf. ;)
amObsolete · 100+, T
@LadyBronte I'm glad too. My life is busy enough without having to fight off Gargamel too 😁.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
I hope not 😨
Yeah I see that,he looks hypnotized. She's ready with fists 👊
amObsolete · 100+, T
@AuroraDwen Strong and self reliant. Excellent traits for a heroic figure. The Tick should be pleased to have such a formidable ally.
@amObsolete Yes he should be, hehe 🤣
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Lol I hope not. What a time for me to see this. I spend a fortune on flea and tick preventative and found ticks on my dogs this week. Ugh
amObsolete · 100+, T
@Fungirlmmm Ticks are horrible this year. They usually leave me alone. When they start getting me, I figure they are all over. Our dog has had many ticks on her so far this year. We use Bravecto, the oral anti flea/tick medicine and that works well.

No but i hope you kept the tick so that if you got lyme disease they can tell what type of tick bit you. Seriously if you start feeling sick and get bullseyes mark all around your body go to the doctor asap.
Nobody28 · M
I doubt it
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Man who the fuck doesn't want to be The Tick?