FurryWedgie · 26-30, M
Definitely hanging by my tighty whities on the fence around the football field.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
I am like Willy and you can't push willy round willy won't go
PeaceGal · 26-30, F
Adrianbrome · 26-30, M
@PeaceGal really? U just say thay bc probably u never experienced a hanging wedgie lol
PeaceGal · 26-30, F
Nope, I have lol @Adrianbrome
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
I would rather just have a random beatings.
I'd rather get a head toilet flush. I love sewage explosions.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
sorry, i don't hang with beer pong rapists who have their trust fund brat daddies bail them out via donations to the ivy league so when they die the institutions name is changed to "our daddy's legacy, he was also a white trash pig bastard BUT a RICH one!"