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rckt148 · 61-69, M
I don't know how many Witch's you actually know
but they look like any other woman
just she knows how to use the dark arts ,,
and I dare you to screw with one about their underwear
Since I was the one doing the laundry ,and I was raised by one
I can assure you ,they wear underwear ,
and successful ones drive a Lincoln ,they don't fly on brooms
but they look like any other woman
just she knows how to use the dark arts ,,
and I dare you to screw with one about their underwear
Since I was the one doing the laundry ,and I was raised by one
I can assure you ,they wear underwear ,
and successful ones drive a Lincoln ,they don't fly on brooms
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
@rckt148 They must have good magical skills if they drive a Ford. 🤣🤣
SoFine · 46-50, F
So that we don't slip of the broom. ....broom broom
PhoenixPhail · M
@SoFine That't the correct answer.
How do you know?
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
How would you know that?
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
they have a cat? cause i mean to me if one gotta sit on a thin stick for that long there IS NO WAY YOU CAN HAVE A CAT OR ASS