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When was the last time you called 911 & why?

Miram · 31-35, F Best Comment
Few weeks ago.

I had my female friends for a sleep over.

A drunk man came knocking on the front door. And one of them freaked out and went to the kitchen to get a knife "to protect her honor(virginity)", she said, although we all knew she isn't one.

This was after another suggested to open the door because " he looks handsome and drunk enough to marry her"

I called the police to help him go before he wakes up my siblings,or worse, gets hurt by the female mob. He had more to worry about than any of us.
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Miram lol you did the right thing 😂
Miram · 31-35, F
@Harlow I saved his life!!

Thank you for the BA 💜
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Miram you deserved BA & please accept this metal for saving a life 🏅😄

UserNameSW · 46-50, M
When the pizza was more than 30 pizza emergency.

At at car accident scene.
Harlow · 31-35, F
@UserNameSW I witnessed a car accident last year & call the police. There was a guy & his son changing a tire on the side of the road & they both got hit. I say the older guy on the side of the road with his head split open. They both died. It was so terrifying
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
@Harlow that is so sad. Sorry it happened, sorry you saw it.
Harlow · 31-35, F
@UserNameSW thanks, I hope not to see a bad accident like that again. I use that road to go to work & think about what happened sometimes
Kurainia · 31-35, M
There was a couple across the street in our apartment. The woman lay unconscious on the grass and the guy stood over her doing nothing. Turned out she was trashed and he thought it was funny she wasn't moving. Interesting how quick people act normal when the cops show up.
Harlow · 31-35, F
@Kurainia yep some people pretend to be human & hide the monster they really are when they think they might get in trouble
2 years ago when my daughter had a seizure... scared the hell out of me...
That's tough... my daughter was diagnosed with petimals at 9 years old she would get them every few minutes then when she started her meds they were under control... then 5 years later .... boom, grandmal .... she gets them every few months and I constantly worry.
Harlow · 31-35, F
@SW-User aw yeah, those grand mals can be scary when it makes them fall hard, and come out of nowhere. I wish you & your daughter well. 🙂
Thank You, Same to you and your cousin ☺
OverMe · 46-50, F
Ive only called it once, and it was bc i witnessed an attempted kidnapping. Once is enough....! 😕
Harlow · 31-35, F
@OverMe I've had to call more than once unfortunately 😕
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
There was a raccoon in my backyard(small town)
Harlow · 31-35, F
@JRVanguard lol 😂
the last time I called 911/000 I got nothing but it is ok
Last year when my mom had congestive heart failure.
I had an accident last December
I’ve never.
A car accident
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Harlow · 31-35, F
@LvChris did they survive? :0
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