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Like yeah Fox news is retarded but when people bitch about Fox news viewers while watching MSNBC I can't help but facepalm.

It's the same damn thing yo.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Anyone who restricts their news sources to one outlet is asking to be misled, whether the bias is intentional or unintentional. You need to triangulate (at least) to find the common thread, and hopefully truth.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@MethDozer True. I have pretty much written off all broadcast "news" as entertainment outlets these days.
MethDozer · M
@dancingtongue I can't say I blame ya. They rely too much on ratings in a watered down viewrship base to really do any true investigative reporting.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@MethDozer No one -- except perhaps the mega national publications like the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Atlantic Magazine -- do investigative reporting anymore. Don't have the revenue to pay for specialized reporters fully dedicated for a length of time to a given subject area, let alone a specific story. Most investigative reporting is being done by specialized online blogs with the funding of political organizations and think tanks with an agenda. More reason to triangulate in search of truth.
Personally, I get most of my news from reading newspaper articles online. I can read 3X as fast as talking heads can talk, and I can skim much faster to the important parts.

No, I don't watch MSNBC, and the only Fox News I see is clips showing how silly some of their talking heads are.
I know right ? Both as bad as each other
MethDozer · M
@SW-User They really are just in different directions
This is my new button, Methy:
MethDozer · M
@bijouxbroussard It's not wrong.

I just meant that MSNBC is a propaganda machine by talking heads over actual objective news. Like honestly Maddow is just a blonde hair to the left centrist Bill O'Rielly
@MethDozer My friend always has MSNBC on when I visit . It’s still "the world as I wish it were”, not reality, alas. 😅
Driver2 · M
They all go overboard

I miss real news
HannahSky · F
You don't like Rachel lol

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