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Freedoms Just Another Word 🐧No limit edition

Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Reminds me of one night at the Gentleman's club with a close friend.
It was amateur night and the place was packed.
Me and my buddy were standing at the bar and three young ladies came in and took the table in front of us.
One of the girls was there to dance and the other two were moral support.
One of the two that were not dancing caught my eye right away.
She wasn't just nice looking but she radiated cute to a degree I had never experienced before.
Her smile was huge and infectious as all get out.
Me and my friend were commenting to one another about her and she could hear us and kept looking back and smiling and laughing.
After the ladies started dancing a man came over to me and leaned in and said " I can get you anything you want".
I looked over at him and just said " Oh yeah." and looked back at the stage.
He moved in a bit closer and said " I mean anything."
Believe it or not I was clueless to what he was getting at.
So about this time my buddy is listening in too. So I said " Anything huh?".
He got a little excited and said again ":Anything".
So I pointed at that really cute girl and said " Get her to show us her boobs".
She spun around with a huge smile and we all started laughing.
I can't remember what he said exactly but he reiterated that he could get me "anything" I needed. He seemed to be getting a little irritated with me but also still engaging me.
SO I said again " Yeah. I know. Get that girl to show us her boobs". and we all started laughing again.
He then just rolled his eyes at me and walked away.
Afterwards when we got outside my buddy asked me " You know he was trying to sell you drugs right?"
Not sure why that this reminded me of that story.
Also I didn't realize how long it was going to take to tell it either. LOL
P.S. Don't bother asking about why I didn't talk to her or even buy her a drink. LOL
bookerdana · M
@Dainbramadge No limits,I guess,its a good stand alone comment😀 My older brother and I wennt into the city to see Cock a Doodle Dandy,a play by Sean O'Casey..despite being somewhat shorter than I was, he was able to walk twice as fast🚶 As I wa for who knows whats..we exited the train and there was a woman selling flowers ...he was some distance before he noted my 15 yr old self had stopped to listen to the spiel
He grabbed me by the arm saying ,Don't you know what they are

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