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EvilEmma · F
because there was only 10 month originally and january and february were added when they switched from moon to sun calenders
DrWatson · 70-79, M
These are based on Latin words. Calendars were originally used to keep track of the seasons and the times for planting and harvesting.
A long time ago, The Romans simply did not HAVE any dates for the earliest part of the year, because the land was idle then. Their 10 month calendar began in what we would call March.
I have no idea how they handled birthdays during that time!
A long time ago, The Romans simply did not HAVE any dates for the earliest part of the year, because the land was idle then. Their 10 month calendar began in what we would call March.
I have no idea how they handled birthdays during that time!
There used to be only 10 months in the Roman calendar. And then the Gregorian calendar absorbed the Roman one and add two extra months cause the Roman one just ignored about 61 days in midwinter.
SoSophie · F
@canusernamebemyusername but they could have had january be 11 and february be 12 and then the names would match!!
@SoSophie True. I'm not sure why they didn't keep the months with there numbers. Lol
@canusernamebemyusername Julius and Augustus wanted their own months added to the calendar. And they demanded the summer months. So July and August were added
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
The Roman year began with March.
helenS · 36-40, F
Only ten of the twelve months of the Roman calendar had names. Winter was a dead period of time. The Roman year started in March=#1. If you count through the months, September will be #7.
DaveyTaco · 31-35, M
not to mention, in spanish language the first letter of each of those 4 months is the first letter of the spanish numbers associated with these ;)
auris · M
Because the last moth of the year was February until someone decided to change to December.
They didn't had the know-it-all in SoSophie back then.
Simple as that!
Simple as that!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Blame July and August.
DDonde · 31-35, M
In the modern east asian calendar they're just the literal numbers + month 9month, 10month, etc