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A mental case

OMG going through posts that go back ONLY a few years is incredibly embarrassing. Why am such an idiot? I sound ridiculous!!! ..and I wonder if I will see the current me as such, in a few years.. Idk, but this is very worrying. I'd like to describe this as me being work in progress, but I really don't feel it is the case lol I am just a mental case lol
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
A lot of us sound ridiculous.
Venusia · 22-25, F
Oh my goodness I feel the same way, like what was I thinking 😂 but I guess that's one thing about time and growing up :)
There there potato. *Pats face* :)
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I remember when you were all Guy Fawkes masks and takes on Palestine.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@CountScrofula I still am that person. Only more realistic, more cynical, and hopefully less hypocrite who can see the two sides to the problem.
firefall · 61-69, M
We are all idiots in retrospect. At least, me and my friends are 😘
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Everyone cringes at their younger self.
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