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I Hated Physical Education Class

I didn’t except when I forgot my kit 😬
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GentleLucille · 26-30, F
Idk, having to do gymnastics in your vest and knickers is still better than double maths 😛
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
@KatieJ Oh no I'm not! 😄
KatieJ · 22-25, F
Well you know what happens now 🤭@GentleLucille
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
@KatieJ Guess we can't do PE in our knickers if we aren't wearing any? 😬
QuietSophie · 26-30, F
Oh dear 😬 Vest, pants and bare feet for Katie, I guess 😬
KatieJ · 22-25, F
I wouldn’t be surprised if our mothers did PE in knickers as the norm to be honest. @QuietSophie
QuietSophie · 26-30, F
@KatieJ Yep, that was probably all they could afford in the olden days 🤣

I hope somebody made my horrible PE teacher run around in just her pants 😒
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@KatieJ I used to wriggle my toes a lot when sat in the school hall. That used to keep my feet warm😀
TammieBear · 22-25, F
What happened when you forgot your kit?
KatieJ · 22-25, F
I suppose being able to do PE and gymnastics with Sophie outweighs being in your knickers @TammieBear
@KatieJ you mean in panties?in school r u kidding
TammieBear · 22-25, F
@KatieJ It was fine 😌 I love doing gymnastics, I love Sophie and it was my own fault for forgetting my leotard!
Can I see you in your kit Katie 😛
@KatieJ not so far.. I’m from the red rose county.. you near Leeds?
KatieJ · 22-25, F
Yeah I’m about 30 minutes from Leeds @SW-User
@KatieJ cool.. I’m in Leeds once a week but unfortunately just for work
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
That would never past in our school in canada aainst rule to have underwear showing this must be made up
Adec757 · 51-55, M
Was indoor p e done primarily in bare feet or plimsolls?
If i learn my child was in underwear in gym the school would have hella trouble

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