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Richard65 · M
The so-called photographic memory is actually called an Eidetic memory and it simply means you can remember many things in vivid detail. It's mainly found in children and is extremely rare. You can improve your overall memory techniques, but you'll never develop a photographic memory in the way I suspect you mean.
salwa · F
@Richard65 I will tell you my story, when i was in secondary school, i read a book about improving visual memory, i applied the technique in the book without waiting for any results but i remember now that in that time i could remember text so easily just by shooting the page by my eyes, just by one shoot i could remember the whole text which was a new strange ability for me then...i couldn't relate that to the techniques that i practiced for a month but i now after i read about photographic memory i can relate very i asked this question
eMortal · M
I used to have one when I was a kid. I couldn’t memorize paragraphs, I would just stare at the page, store the whole thing as a picture. When asked asked any questions about the content I would just go through the pictures in my head, read the paragraphs in my mind. The amazing thing was I would flip pages after pages in my head!
Lol I wasn’t smart, I just knew where things were located before google came along!! 😂
Lol I wasn’t smart, I just knew where things were located before google came along!! 😂
Apparently there is such a thing... my grandfather had it and could recite long poems and sometimes complete books. 😳 I don't know whether that particular type of ability is something that can be cultivated or whether it's just a gift.
salwa · F
@SW-User i really had this ability in a certain duration in my life when i was in secondary school, i now believe it can be acquired by training, i did that and i could remember text by shooting the page with my eyes, i really was very amazed , then i stopped the training and i lost it
@salwa Interesting. I wonder what would happen if you started training again... I have a feeling that a lot of us had nearly photographic memory experiences somewhere in childhood. I vaguely remember adults making comments about my ability to remember precise details of events.
salwa · F
@SW-User Yes i started taining the same since yesterday and i feel like i am rediscovering something that is buried and i am removing the dust out of it, i think it is something native in the human brain and we just need to find it
i started yesterday and the first thing i could notice is how much dreams i got the last night and the clarity of these dreams, i feel that something happens inside my brain
i started yesterday and the first thing i could notice is how much dreams i got the last night and the clarity of these dreams, i feel that something happens inside my brain
Viper · M
I'm no expert, but I believe it's mostly just natural, but I believe I have seen some articles about how improve it according to neuroscientist.
Also, I believe a Standford's Andrew Huberman is a neurologist with a YouTube channel that has some pretty good information (though not always easy to find what you're looking for, but what you do, it's great information).
Also, I believe a Standford's Andrew Huberman is a neurologist with a YouTube channel that has some pretty good information (though not always easy to find what you're looking for, but what you do, it's great information).
exexec · 61-69, C
The dean of my college seemed to have it. He authored several history books and would dictate the content to his secretary. If he used a reference, he would give an exact quote, book title, page number and location on the page of the item being quoted. She said he was never wrong.
I think that our experiences are initially optics, what we see, immediately processed mentally. Some are such that mentally we retain it with a certain level of clarity; whereas others are relegated to being less impactful on our memory.
xbandoleerx · 56-60, M
There is also something called Eidetik Memory. Both types exist but both are rare. Mostly it exists in children. I don’t think these can be developed. It’s natural or you may say they are gifted.
originnone · 61-69, M
Some children do. Inevitably they go away as the folks approach adulthood.
NoGamesTolerated · F
I do believe it exists… but unfortunately not even close for me.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Friend of mine in college
NoGamesTolerated · F
I think it does.
Gumba1000 · M
If film was still the norm, that would be a good joke 😂
@salwa I could be wrong but this felt like a joke. No?
Not yet but I'll remember that day.
StyleCat · M
Snap 📸
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
YES ... and NO - i think you're born with it
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
A reply that wasn't sexual, i bet you're shocked
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