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BiasForAction · M
Eels only mate in a portion of the Caribbean Sea
User41 · 36-40, M
Ever see poor people sit down in the squatting position?
It’s called the 3rd world squat.
It looks awkward but it’s actually normal for humans to do it. It’s why you see toddlers do it effortlessly.
We trained our bodies to not do it by having chairs. An it fucks up our postures lower backs and core strength.
doing squats correctly reverses this an re teaches your body to work the way it was designed...
helensusanswift · 31-35, F
Saint Columba was said to be the first man to record the Loch Ness Monster in the 6th Century AD- although he met it in the River Ness.
There now!
There now!
The proper temperature and oven time to decarboxylate your marijuana when making edibles is at 220°f for 40-55 minutes
xixgun · M
Harley Quinn, Joker's girlfriend and one of the DC Universe's most popular characters, didn't exist before 1992.
Snails will sleep for up to three years if the weather isn't good enough.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Napiform means shaped like a turnip
Yaz69 · 36-40, M
First tell us wat do you knows?
valobasa4ever · F