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I Am In College

Half way through the first day of the semester opening and half my classes are full of stereotypes. Already called homophobe for not wanting to get coffee with a guy in pink and blue hair. I just don't like coffee or effeminate guys with pink and blue hair.... What?

One of the proffs pointed out that 2/3rds of first year students don't GET past the 2nd year. Totally believe that from Some of the attitudes I saw today.

I still have hope for after I get out of the prereq classes. I was told that the 101 courses were going to be a refresher for kids that didn't pay attention in high school.

Oh well, looks like the first week is going to be pretty slow and easy.
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trackboy · 22-25, M
whats your major? starting out at the local community college to keep costs down??? why you starting your classes in winter?? normally you start in the fall. I love the massages the effeminate guys give me. and they are fun to hangout with too.
trackboy · 22-25, M
@PennyHenny sweet full academic scholarship. then starting at university is fine. you will have those big lecture hall classes you could have gotten out of if you had taken those same classes at the community college. most of the freshman classes are general education classes and are available at community college.
PennyHenny · F
@trackboy The classes I need at basic level aren't all rudimentary English and history. Some are required to take on my campus.

Why the obsession with community colleges? If a person is able to hit a standard that opens the door for a decent school then why hate on it?
trackboy · 22-25, M
@PennyHenny community college for freshman year is great way to get costs down. you live and eat at home. much lower tuition. even ivy league graduates are working at star bucks as baristas with their high powered degrees after spending a hundred grand getting their degree.
SirSukl · 70-79, M
I knew a prof. at Dalhousie univ. In Halifax. Taught in the field of psych. and had many students seeking degrees in "social work". She grinned facetiously as she shook her head wondering if 15 facial piercings was going to help their intended career in "social work?"

Maybe pink and blue hair will aid in suicide counselling?

Are "clues" sold in campus book-stores, do ya think?

Give it time.. the semester just started
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
What are you studying?
PennyHenny · F
@yeronlyman Information and library sciences with a minor in linguistics.
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@PennyHenny oh nice... enjoy
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
Hang in there! I'm sure you'll find some nice people to spend time with.
Madhatter · 31-35, M
I was with you on saying you're not a homophobe, you just don't like coffee. Lost me at "or effeminate guys." That's kind of homophobey. That's like saying "I'm not racist, I just don't like black people."
SirSukl · 70-79, M
His "issue", Penny, is "synonomizing" the "gay" and "rainbow" image with homosexuality. That's why it has taken only 2 decades to accomplish. Constant sales pitching.

American society, like many Christian cultures, formerly associated homosexuality with "undesirable or detestable" imagery. How better to combat that SOCIETAL NORM than with images already accepted with fondness by the same culture? They could have chosen puppies and kittens or bunnies just as well. After all, who objects to those?

If you don't "invite" the homosexual community into your paradigm, then you're "homophobic" and therefore full of hate. Shame on you!

Your post, Penny, simply offered a forum...a soapbox from which to continue this "sales-pitch." Never mind what reality YOU "design" into YOUR life. If it goes against "LGGBTG-XYZ" COMMUNITY'S agenda, then YOU are "hateful." Something that no one wants to be accused of.

PennyHenny · F
@SirSukl Ah I see where your coming from. I don't mind being called hateful since everyone these days are calling racist or homophobe or whatever people like to use as s weapon.
SirSukl · 70-79, M
It is a widely used tactic, Penny. After decades of observing its use, one must be vigilant NOT to become too cynical of this World.

In His last speech to the American People, President Eisenhower warned Americans AGAINST the dangers of allowing/supporting establishment of a military industrial complex. Why?
Zoom forward to the present and contemplate the effect of questioning the wisdom or efficacy of DECADES of sustained(and undeclared) warfare. Does posing inquiries or more domestic solutions make one Unpatriotic? Who would DARE to risk their patriotism being challenged by one's own "society?"
Best just "go-along" rather than to question...right?

Apropos to nothing, "follow the money."

In the patriotic frenzy post 9/11, President Bush announced The Patriotic Act and got rousing support. Did anyone hear the Bill of Rights whirring through the shredder during that announcement?

I believe questioning EVERYTHING is PATRIOTIC. Both a duty and a privilege GUARANTEED every American. Challenging one's patriotism, sexual orientation, or racial orientations is a gang-mentality tool.

Why not? It works for lynchings.


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