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Education, Education, Education

Isn't it just strange to think, back in my day (I'm in my 40's), people would say "Get A Job!" and to "Stop Being a Student" when you figure that I have been in education since I was 5 !

I'm a head teacher these days, but always worked in education!

Never got a "Real Job"!

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Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Dealing with kids can be the toughest job in the world. Especially girls as they get older and become little princesses and discover how much power they can wield in a system that does not question their motives. Hopefully, administrations wise up to them making wild accusations and set them straight without the fear of being called abusive or misogynistic. This can happen with other demographics too as they can have a chip on their shoulder and can only feel at ease if they attack others for no reason. If they get away with it in school, you know that they will do it in the workforce and get men fired or worse. Then they cry about why men won't buy them a drink at the bar.

Had a female employee that insisted on wearing slinky clothes and open toed shoes in the office and lab. HR told us we could not say anyrhing to her as that would be considered sexual harassment. Sure enough, one day a big sheetmetal plate fell on her foot and sliced her up pretty bad. Then we had to do an injury report which gets to the insurance company. She left soon after.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Education is a real career. The school my 7 y/o goes to is awesome and the entire teaching staff are amazing.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Get an education get a job get an education get a job ...

Thankfully, more than a handful of returning WW2 GIs went to school on their return and did so with an intensity that made them an impossible act to follow.

In an ever transitioning world where yesteryear's opportunity may become next year's dead end, maybe we should follow that successful model of the 1940s and 50s. and head back to school rather than beat a dead horse. Unfortunately, doing so as a 40 year old with a family it's difficult to take a few years off to retool yourself so beating that dead horse becomes the easier option.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Heartlander My formal education went to year 12 (end of high school), and a try at university but I burned myself out for yr 12, never had a break (no such thing as a 'gap year' then) and I left uni. I get plenty of training in my job so it's not like I've never continued being educated, but it's all career-focused vocational type training, not general 'life' training. People who work as teachers are awesome! Some of the people at my work are married to teachers.
Northwest · M
You're in one of the most noble, yet often least appreciated, and way, way underpaid professions.
That is a real job, and a very important one!
You have a very special job of life enhancer.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@SomeMichGuy I do my best. Thanks.
@KarenDuponteDurose It's wonderful. Thanks for liking education enough to pass it on.
KarenDuponteDurose · 46-50, F
@SomeMichGuy Well, every day IS a school day, so why not make a career from it too?
If you get an education you can get a job that permits you to live in the suburbs and drive a car. It's not sustainable and the educated population knows that - this is like a filter that keeps the socialist from even trying to enter the academic community.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I believe in Education but does it directly related to high paid job or a guaranteed job? Hell no
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Let's see. You get paid to teach. You aren't a professional student, racking up thousands in student loan debt for a useless Lesbian Dance Theory degree.

Florida public school teachers are the most amazing people I've ever met. They are like cops. They don't just like the job. THEY ARE THE JOB.
And unlike price gouging college professors who rarely show up to teacher their own classes, regular teachers work DONALD TRUMP hours, putting almost 18 hours a day in lesson prep as well as teaching.

You have a real job.
Northwest · M
Lesbian Dance Theory degree.

But enough about your fantasies. MAGA be MAGA.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Northwest And you have a problem with MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?

Do you always want it to be a third world sheethole, like it always is under DemoNazi reign?

MAGA has given America the greatest economy of the 21st Century, along with WORLD PEACE.

What is your problem with that? Do you just feel like you can't live without misery?
Northwest · M
MAGA has given America the greatest economy of the 21st Century, along with WORLD PEACE.

Disillusionment. Another MAGA sign.

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