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is Physics hard and can i get an A in that class ?

I have to take Physics for a program I want to get into in the healthfeild but I never took physics before and I want to get a solid A so I can get picked for the class.

But how hard is it is it worse that chemistry??
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RedBaron · M
That's up to you, not us. Maybe it would help to spend more time studying and less time on here? I was in high school more than 40 years ago, but FWIW, I got a 90 in Chemistry and a 70 in Physics at a specialized Math/Science high school.
Briggett · T
It can be
Find some old physics books the older the better because they a lot of examples and the missing background that the new books are missing
Wishing You All The Best in your studies
exexec · 70-79, C
"Real" physics can be really hard, but it can be simplified for people who aren't looking for a scientific or technical career. Unless a person is really good at math and science, they shouldn't expect to make an A, even in simple physics.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It's interesting AF and not as hard as chemistry, but it does take quite a bit of concentration and focus on the "laws of physics" until the logic of it starts to fall into place. Then, it becomes revealing. Go for it!
htoad34 · 36-40, M
Physics is mostly algebra math. I never could understand chemistry, which I failed twice.
I think physics is more straightforward than chemistry.
RedBaron · M
@SW-User What does that even mean?

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