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RedBaron · M
That's up to you, not us. Maybe it would help to spend more time studying and less time on here? I was in high school more than 40 years ago, but FWIW, I got a 90 in Chemistry and a 70 in Physics at a specialized Math/Science high school.
Briggett · T
It can be
Find some old physics books the older the better because they a lot of examples and the missing background that the new books are missing
Wishing You All The Best in your studies
Find some old physics books the older the better because they a lot of examples and the missing background that the new books are missing
Wishing You All The Best in your studies
exexec · 70-79, C
"Real" physics can be really hard, but it can be simplified for people who aren't looking for a scientific or technical career. Unless a person is really good at math and science, they shouldn't expect to make an A, even in simple physics.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It's interesting AF and not as hard as chemistry, but it does take quite a bit of concentration and focus on the "laws of physics" until the logic of it starts to fall into place. Then, it becomes revealing. Go for it!
htoad34 · 36-40, M
Physics is mostly algebra math. I never could understand chemistry, which I failed twice.
I think physics is more straightforward than chemistry.
RedBaron · M
@SW-User What does that even mean?