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kentex35 · 100+, M
I had a pick up know how many people I helped move. If I'm spending my Saturday helping someone move all I wanted was beer. The best to help have a case at least in a cooler full of ice. The worse has a six pack in the fridge no boxes pack and when you ask for a beer they are like see man you gonna start this early. That's when I say just a minute I do need cigs and I go up and buy a12 pack and come back this guy was a bar fly and had the nerve to only have six beers that weren't his it out brand some cheap shit. I say and talked while they packed. If there that box right on down to my truck grab another bud and pound stairs going back. He said the were already
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
Yes, seen that movie to many times. I learned to cut those people out of my life a long time ago, and learned not to be so generous with my time and skills.
I have a much smaller circle of friends now but know I can't count on the ones I have left if I need them.
I have a much smaller circle of friends now but know I can't count on the ones I have left if I need them.