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He said he didn't say that but it sounds like he's lying.

Some guy who I met is telling me that some lady at his job was accusing him of saying "you can look at kids but not touch them," and that now she's accusing him of that and trying to get him fired. I have a feeling he did say that as he told me that he worked in a school cafeteria not too long ago. A lot of ped0s get jobs where they're near children. He's telling me that she's posting about him online and trying to expose him. Idk, i have a feeling he could be one and if I find out he did say that I no longer want to speak to him. Why would she just randomly accuse him of that?
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MarineBob · 56-60, M
Because no man has ever been falsely accused of anything
Pinkglitter · 31-35, F
@MarineBob why would he just be falsey accused on the random? It doesn't happen that way he must have said something.
Lost77 · 31-35, M
We need to take this guy on a nice long trip out to the back woods and I mean a one way trip and give him a nice long dirt nap.
Lost77 · 31-35, M
@Pinkglitter they all are a waste of space and air and need to be wiped off the planet.
Pinkglitter · 31-35, F
@Lost77 They don't deserve to live.
Lost77 · 31-35, M
@Pinkglitter i agree with you 100% sweetheart
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@pinkglitter] only two reasons i can think is she is a very nasty vindictive person who has some personal vendetta against this person . the other is they have hard evidence to there accusation if not they should keep there mouth shut
Pinkglitter · 31-35, F
@smiler2012 yeah, I'm seeing both sides of the story I hope it's not true but if it is then he's a ped0
Lost77 · 31-35, M
@smiler2012 yes they do need to have the proff of this accusation 100%
Right now you can't rule anything out.
Pinkglitter · 31-35, F
@Nihiless sounds suspicious to me.

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