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I find it extremely annoying that….

95% of the people on this site are obsessed with šęx 🙄 I haven’t met too many people on here that aren’t.
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
But you're still here?? I think the only people who get arsy about sex are the people who are not getting any so they get triggered. Sex is natural and everyone is alive because of it. It's ok to talk about it if you want, if you don't want to, just move on and talk about something that does interest you.
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@Patientlywaiting can we talk about the fetish of being trussed up like a turkey and being slowly told turkey soup recipes?
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
@atlantic59 lol, bring it on 😂😂😂
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@Patientlywaiting I love how 'everyone is alive because of it'
Yes it is. That's why this place is so boring..
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Yes, I find it annoying too. I've figured out how to avoid them. Only click on links in your feed that you're actually interested in. That way the bullshit gets filtered out automatically. It takes a few days, but it works. Also use mute liberally. It's transformed this site for me and I'm much happier for it.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
That's kind of why the internet is a thing.
Hell the only reason we went to the moon is because someone made a movie with hot chicks there and they were like ...... " You think..."!!!!!!!!!!!!
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turnedtostone · 56-60, F
I'm too old for such shenanigans
Elisbch · M
🤣 .. @turnedtostone
Yep it's a desperate snooze fest. It's just fantasy wanna be. If they were actual doing it or getting any they wouldn't be sitting posting about it on some obscure web site.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@SW-User I share some of my sexual adventures with a few people on this site in private messages. They do the same. I never name names. But some of this is real!
@Nitedoc Alright. Fair enough.
Northguy1 · 56-60, M
I would prefer just sitting down to a a quiet dinner and immersing in conversation. I miss companionship. Sex? It's overrated.
A**holes like that ruins the experience.

But there are a lot of nice people here.
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
You'll eventually find your 5% and then you can ignore the rest. 🙂
Dshhh · M
there are so many here,, men mostly that never ever get sensual contact
they are like a starving person greedy to grasp anyway they can
what they want and need

I wish I could get some of these guys a CLUE

@Patientlywaiting do you think this is true?
Patientlywaiting · 46-50, F
@Dshhh yes definitely, it's so sad especially I think for men because I think they more likely want to communicate that they love their partner through touch and sex than with other ways. But also there are lots of men here who do not know how to speak to women and are probably destined to be single for the rest of their lives unless we help them.
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atlantic59 · 61-69, M
we can talk about the weather but when someone says: "it sucks" then we're right back to that loop of obsession. I sold vacuums but the suction demonstrations always got in the way of closing the deal. I always got nervous and said something inappropriate.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Sex craved in a sense but i keep it to myself. I dont understand either discussing ones sexual exploits or fetishes. Some things are best left as secrets
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
I'm sorry I'm guilt of that, I mostly just use this site for fetish reasons. This is one of my only outlets for my fetishes
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
......could just be SW....maybe try another site?
Elisbch · M
She won't find the quality of people that she'll find here....LOL 🤣😄@Silentpleasure
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F

Elisbch · M
Spot on!....LOL 🤣👍🏻.
ravenhill · M
i just mute the bastards, then poof, i don't see their posts.
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
I am but in a different way than the guys..
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Sex obsession is actually quite normal.
Elisbch · M
😱!........LOL 😄

(fyi)... I'm not 🤷🙂
Mirage · F
Smoke and mirrors. 🥱
Juvia · 18-21, F
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
I don't know what sex is other than what I've heard from others. Is there a relationship between people's obsessions of it and our depletion of our birds and bees?
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
I haven’t found that to be the case.
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LordShadowfire · 100+, M
So, you haven't met too many of us, but you're convinced 95% of us are obsessed with sex.


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