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So is the survival of the fittest those who didn't succumb to taking the deadly Covid vaccine that is killing and maiming so many?!!
AbbySvenz · F
Vaccine adverse reactions are a thing. It happens with every vaccine. What’s your point?
@AbbySvenz You aren't going to get logic out of someone who contributed to the current measles epidemic...
Panda5689 · M
@Shaveit Please cite your source of those dying.
Panda5689 · M
@Shaveit If you understood science, particularly the process of FDA approval of any agent you would know that there was plenty of science behind it. So ... again, please cite your source of information
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
WoW - you seem not able to answer the question "What are your sources?"

Maybe you are looking through your Kitchen cabinet for sauces. Who knows?

Anyway, just waiting for you to admit you have none and get me to "Do my own research"
dominateofyou · 61-69, M
where do you get your facts from about killing so many,
question how many would have died if they thought like you do. tell us where you got you information and actual figures
666Maggotz · F
I took the vaccine and I am fine
666Maggotz · F
@Shaveit care to elaborate?
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@666Maggotz that you are fine is subjective.
That’s pretty self-explanatory to me
666Maggotz · F
@Shaveit yes, I am asking what you are basing this assessment off of? What do you know about my health that I don’t? 🤨
JustNik · 51-55, F
Looks like your internet is stuck at 2021. Branch out. There are all new things to be outraged about now.
Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
oh brother...🤦🏻
If people took a deadly Covid vaccine while there were several properly tested and safe ones available, that's on them. And how many did that anyway? I wouldn't obsess over that.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
What are your sources
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