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botox for migraines

So i had my check up with my heart doctor. My normal doctor was out so i was seen by a new doctor All is going goodright now and he didn't recommend any changes. But he could tell something was wrong. I told i had a bad headache, that i get them almost daily. He asked about my eyes, and what meds ive tried and other treatments. I gave him a list of all the things ive tried and that nothing has helped He then suggested Botox.

Its a real thing, who knew lol

Anyway has anyone tried it?
Does it help?
Will it make me look 30 again lol?
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My daughter did this jsut a few weeks ago. she said it was for tension headaches, and it work great.
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@nonsensiclesnail im si glad it helped her
@Cigarguy101 when she told me I thought she was joking. ( we have an odd sense of humor I’m told ) I really thought it was a silly “lie” she was telling her dad. She also got rid of the lines in her forehead that bugged her! So it was a two for one.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
how peculiar
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@MartinTheFirst this was so helpful thanks

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