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how to face my blood tests with courage and honour

i have my annual bloodtests approaching this tuesday, to check on my diabetes and other things, my vital organs presumably....i reversed the diabetes years and years ago through hard work, exercise and watching my diet, but ive gained back 2 stone in weight after losing 3 stone intitially and reversing the ive gained 2 stone back in weight.

so bottom line is i'm afraid they might find a problem in my bloodtests? plus i'm scared of anything clinical....just a phobia i have.

can you help or give some kind advice?
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CursedDoll · 36-40, F Best Comment
I hate needles and clinical things as well, but you just have to tell yourself that it's going to be ok and the doctors are just making sure that everything is ok with you, don't let your anxiety take over. Hopefully all the tests go well for you.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@CursedDoll thankyou for your words.

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