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I have a long origin story about how society utterly failed me and I'm just encouraged by the way it's not that way anymore.

I wouldn't wish the horrors I suffered on anyone nor do I view the dark chapter of what I suffered as a right of passage for anyone but I came into this world unfortunately heavily afflicted with ADHD and and a shade of Autistic spectrum disorder which left me intensely passionately interested in things but with a scatter brain that could not focus some of the time which drove the cycles of annoying hyper active behavior I engaged in because I did not know how to properly ask for help or explain to people that despite my passionate interest that I could not focus my family had me on Ritalin from the tender age of 3 I read up all about how people thought they over prescribed but my own case was legitimate as fuck I had annoying ass friends who wanted my prescription to get high by adolescence who did not understand that it wasn't just "All in my head" the way they meant it I mean it was problems with my brain causing all of it but not the part I have control over so it was literally if you meant it that way "All in my head" but not the metaphor he was using which what he meant was all my problems were just because I believed they had hem

anyways my story started before the HIPPA laws changed everything so I'm an old school actually autistic person who was around before society really got hip to it and was in school by the mid 90s.

but one day, I just. was tolerate to the meds and they put on de toxic to make me sensitive to it again in the hospital and so my whole OG story is like this, And I wish it had ended at that hospital stay but as I got older I began to understand the medical ERRORS that were made by the hospital ended up impacting the way my School saw me because information was shared with them and basically what happened was I was sent in for an MRI but the tech doing the MRI couldn't get a clean shot so they ordered me kept up all night to try again when I was tired but even that did not work for the tech and then some asshole Doctor who felt that they were so much smarter than the lab tech literally LIED and said they got a good shot and didn't see anything and when she was called out basically my dad was not big enough on Conflict maybe not fully avoiding of it but but somewhat and when she shot back are you accusing me of lying he folded, Which I find myself if I had understood what was going on I would have shot at her maybe he's too scared to what he really thinks but I will. I am. I'll put it in writing and put my sig on it if you want and throw it at your feet because I Am not scared of you at all and your feelings mean literally nothing to me. I don't care, at all. not even the smallest fucking amount.

in fact honestly, I'm willing to take this matter to the medical board and turn you in for being a lying shit and if you don't BACK down I WILL PERSONALLY HAVE YOUR TECH CALLED IN to TESTIFY against you so don't sit here and tell me nothing is different about my neuro because you don't know SHIT your Tech Failed BOTH Times and you're TRYING to use a scan that was not done right to support your findings as if you are smarter than the lab guys which, honestly, I thought only the doctors that literally held life and death in their hands unlike you would be more full of themselves and have the largest ego in the hospital but it appears to me you dismissed the concerned of the lab tech who actually TOOK The MRI and assumed you knew better than them and the science itself which is medical malpractice and I will have you SUED if you even have the NERVE To EVER claim that you got a proper shot of my Brain and name you PERSONALLY in my lawsuit so that it not only comes out of the hospital but your PERSONAL DIME when I roll the fuck over you in court. Fuck you with that bullshit and the horse you road in on, miss.
Do you want this in writing? because I'm happy to do it and put my john hand-cock all over it.

I'm going to file a personal complained against you for this LIE you're telling my family.

only back then I didn't understand what was even happening well enough to know they had told my school I was normal and that the only problem I really had is my mom was codependent and thus I tested the waters to see what I could get away with.

And thus even as I was bullied in school and isolated myself by doing chores for the schools and work for the school to get away from the kids who picked on me by giving up recess and everything my Asshole teaches were sitting there basically without any proof assuming I started it every time I got picked on when in reality I basically went out of my way to avoid those kids..

so my asshole teachers were also part of the bullying because they basically assumed it was my fault because I acted out because my mom did not believe in punishment and I was otherwise normal.

And this, lead to the chapter of my life where my mom had to move heaven and earth to find a new doctor that was an expert in how the the definition of autism was changing at that point and starting to include more cases of people that functioned better in society like myself and didn't need that kind of daily care that some of the more heavily affected ones needed.

which took years of searching but we did find one by like 1998 or so when I was literally legally and formally declared to have then Asperger's syndrome.

which began to change things, I didn't understand all this until my adult years but because of my father's lack of willingness to dig his heels in and fight the hospital back then my whole childhood became a train wreck.

and songs like this one, they hit a little too close to home because of what exactly happened. It's not my mothers fault, and they were so wrong, I wasn't probing to see what I could get away with, I was just neuroatypical.

my asshole doctors thought it was what it looked like to them, a power struggle.

They didn't understand, they didn't even know the definition of autism was changing.


Garbage - Medication

because of that medical error my mother was forced to begin the process of literally proving the MRI wasn't properly done and that the doctor had in fact lied, legally, with proof.

and we did, we just never had our day in court about it if we had we would have destroyed her and cost her her whole job.

Bitch that she was. She fucked up my whole Childhood. I trust most doctors, and admire them, just not that one. my charge is she violated her oath to cause no harm, she harmed my quality of life as a child.

I have documents now that literally prove I'm not Neurotypical to the standard of any court in the land. my mother did eventually find a doctor willing to go on the record and declare me neurodivergent. which means that the doctor from the earlier story before the autism expert showed up HAD to have fucked up and made an error in assuming the MRI was properly done because my brain CLEARLY isn't normal

I would love to get some scans on those new FMRIs of it and all.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I’m sorry you went through so much
@Jenny1234 Thank you. Especially for not being one of those people who compared my experiences to something even worse than them.

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