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Covid Rules for Thee, but not for me


We should've learned our lessons from the manufactured Pandemic so we can better care for ourselves instead of depending on Politicians and Bureaucrats in the first place...

'Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up'; is a published Book from Senator Rand Paul for those who wish to place everything we've learned during the Covid 19 Control Program in a Memory Hole. Senator Paul in particular encouraged those who pursue the truth to join him in confronting the difficult questions no one wants asked, including the origin of the Covid 19 Organism:

• Did it arise naturally and spill over from an Animal into the Human species, or did it emerge as an accident from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)?!

He further asks what our Government did to conceal funding of the WIV “Gain-of-Function” Research done there. He explored the tangential issues of the nature of the Organism’s transmission and the efficacy of such measures as Masking, Social Distancing, and the selective shutting down of the United States Bubble Economy and the Nation’s Educational Systems. All of this is certainly significant if we accept that a Million Americans lost their lives to Covid-19, along with 5 Million worldwide.

The opening salvo is aimed at how the Covid-19 Organism arose, making a serious case for its having escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s laboratory where Dr. Shi Zhengli had gained an International reputation as the “Bat Scientist”, the Book is primarily chronologically oriented, describing Senator Paul’s efforts to get at the truth about the manufactured Covid-19 Pandemic, the Reader doesn't at first learn who the first 3 victims of Covid-19 were. The end of the book, we learn their identities. All worked in the WIV, Ben Hu, was a “Gain-of-Function” Researcher and a colleague of Dr. Shi Zhengli.

• Was the US Government somehow involved in funding this dangerous Gain-of Function Research?!

• Was Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022 involved?!

His Deception Book has formal interchanges between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci. Reading these exchanges makes 'Deception' an excellent intellectual investment. The Reader should be able to determine who's telling the truth. 'Deception' shines a light on the reaction of the Corporate Media to those raising questions about the Covid-19 Control Program.

• How many people have already forgotten the incessant drumming throughout the US Government— the Virus had jumped from Animals in the Wuhan “Wet Market” to Humans but that "Operation Warp Speed" would protect the American Public by cutting through the Bureaucracy and unnecessary PreHuman testing to give them a safe and 95% percent effective Vaccine against this new pathogen

• What did 95% percent effectiveness mean if not that getting the Vaccine would immunize and prevent transmission in ways that Herd Immunity could never achieve without a devastating increase in deaths and hospitalizations?!

'Deception' reminds us there were attendant Social actions voluntary or coerced, promoted as necessary to slow the transmission of the disease such as Masking.

Never mind that the Medical Profession already knew that Surgical Masks were ineffective as barriers against the transmission of Viral Aerosols. The basic math that was being ignored, the pore size of those masks was six hundred times the size of a Covid-19 Virus Organism. Picture taking a handful of dried peas, throwing them against a chain-link fence, and then counting the number that make it through. Deception identifies masking as nothing more than Theater.

We're also reminded, the Lockdowns implemented by Governments, excluding Sweden, which chose to keep its Economy and Schools open with apparently no ill effect. The Book emphasizes the critical loss of Education and how forced Homeschooling differentially affected families. Those that had an adult at home to monitor the Homeschooling survived, but what about the many households where this Resource didn’t exist?!

• Were these Families that could afford to fall further behind in Education?!

The Lockdown Mentality seemed to bring the Authoritarian State Governors and elsewhere out of the woodwork, most damaging were the Democratic Governors were in on the Hysteria. It's obvious how Donald Trump—who unleashed "Operation Warp Speed" which led to the destruction of Supply Lines—promoted “stimulating” the Economy by sending out substantial Checks to virtually everybody. The US Government had NO Real Wealth to disperse so the ongoing effect was Inflation and the Government’s 35+Trillion Dollar Debt Cesspool.

While "Deception" is the most comprehensive view of the Covid-19 Control Program, The Nuremberg Code arose out of the post–World War II decision to convict the Nazi Doctors who were guilty of unethical Human experimentation. Seven of these individuals were executed for “Crimes against Humanity.” A thorough comparison of that Code with the Covid-19 Control Program should reveal that all 10 items in the Code have been violated under the latter Covid 19 Control Program. That Deception does not address this important piece in understanding the Covid-19 is no criticism of Senator Paul, who covered the relevant questions from a critical scientific and Political perspective.

Although Government Officials have announced that the Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency is over as of May 11, 2023, we're still living with the aftermath. We still have the degree of Disinformation and Hysteria unleashed for this one pathogen alone. If we accept that the Government can declare Medical Emergencies at will, then we acknowledge that the Government is empowered to eliminate our Liberties. This power even greater than that was enjoyed by Adolf Hitler as he rose to become the Absolute Dictator of Nazi Germany in 1933. If we accept this, we fail to remember the lessons of History. Senator Rand Paul’s contribution to Liberty won’t allow us to forget History.
Broache73 · 46-50, F Pinned Comment

It just goes to show you;

If you can get Others to believe an Absurdity, You can get them to commit an Atrocity😊

HL Mencken had it right;
The most dangerous Person to any Government or Governmental Entity is the Person who can reason and think things out for themselves. The Citizenry admire the great Liars and Criminals, they often despise those who try to tell them the Truth

Broache73 · 46-50, F
The Video makes me very happy and relieved I never went along with any of this


The Coronavirus Pandemic was nothing more than the 1st Dry Run to see how far the American Plutocracy could herd and control the American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers, and confirm how gullible they were. When they found out how appallingly ignorant American Voters were, they'll now finish their control since US Taxpayers are too cowardly to stand up for themselves.

After all, Congressmen and Senators honestly believe their "Constituents" are "too stupid to take care of themselves" (often said by Senators who forgot their mics were still on)...

Corporations and the AMA who are the only beneficiaries from this Healthcare Rabbithole and Sick Care Robbery have no problem with a Citizenry being forced to buy their product since it lines their pockets and bought off the Political Indentured Servants.

This utter Highway Robbery causes increasing Prices, declining Quality, and scarce Supply. Ironically, those who suffer most from the Healthcare Quicksand are the very People, Proponents of these Government programs claim they want to help. Restoring a real Healthcare System that meets the needs of all its Citizenry is to start treating Healthcare as a Good and Service that can only be provided via voluntary actions of Free People who actually know what they want and need for themselves...
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Restoring a real Healthcare System that meets the needs of all its Citizenry is to start treating Healthcare as a Good and Service that can only be provided via voluntary actions of Free People who actually know what they want and need for themselves...

That doesn't sound a very robust or sustainable "system". More a case of everyone following their own personal interests, based on whatever evidence they chose to read or ignore. The whole point is that a pandemic affects society as a whole and can only be addressed through coordinated action.
Broache73 · 46-50, F
Someone should've reminded Dr Anthony Fauci and Others of this otherwise we wouldn't have ever tolerated the incompetence of the Government to begin with.

The Highway Robbery of the Sick Care Health System we have now set up the stage for why this Scam came about in the first place. Some Taxpayers and Consumers are bankrupt because of it, and Others paid for it with their Lives, from where I'm sitting, it damn sure wasn't a great leap forward...
Oh please. Public health is lifesaving.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@BiasForAction Tell me when cigarettes are going to be banned.
@MrBrownstone what point are you trying to make? That choice and public health aren’t compatible? Public health doesn’t imply a ban— it may but in my country we actually try to deal with both because that is reality.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@BiasForAction If public health saves lives what will banning products that are unhealthy do for the public? Will await your deflection.
Broache73 · 46-50, F

As rightly confirmed “Nearly all Men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a Man’s character, give him Power.” We have now seen the character of the Political Indentured Servants on Capitol Hill, State Capitols, and Municipalities, they've been found untrustworthy.

It Can And Will Happen Again

The Covid-19 Control Program was really nothing more than a Litmus Test and a sophisticated Pyramid Scheme for Authoritarianism in the United States. After all, if you have a Hammer, everything has to look like a Nail.

At least half the American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers failed that test miserably. Another Pandemic agenda may not materialize in our lifetimes, but that doesn’t really matter. There will be other opportunities in the future for appallingly ignorant and sociopathic Citizenry to act on their darkest impulses in order to herd the American Public. It is important to make a note of how the individuals around us behave when they think it’s safe to be evil, we must remember who they are. The Reprobates shouldn't be given any “Grace” or trust in the future when the next Crisis strikes; they've shown themselves to be totally unworthy of that, especially since THEY didn’t TRUST the US Public to be capable of taking care of themselves in the first place.

DogMan · 61-69, M
From a post below, this needs to be reiterated:

The Coronavirus Pandemic was nothing more than the 1st Dry Run to see how far the American Plutocracy could herd and control the American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers, and confirm how gullible they were. When they found out how appallingly ignorant American Voters were, they'll now finish their control since US Taxpayers are too cowardly to stand up for themselves
Broache73 · 46-50, F
I'm just very, very happy and relieved I never fell for and never went along with the Scam in the first place, than having to argue Tactics subsequent to the Covid Control decisions to begin with. Freedom, Liberty, and personal responsibility could've been the most beautiful feather in the American Public's Cap, Too Bad!!!
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Broache73 What I tell everyone, from what I have researched, Covid simply ran it's
course. Nothing we did helped anyone, but it HURT everyone.
Broache73 · 46-50, F
Exactly, the Point!
It’s becoming quite clear to Others that Covid-19 was really nothing more than a artificially constructed Flu Variant, mainly affecting the very Old, Sick, and Overweight. The Vaccine apparently has been found out to be useless in preventing Covid but caused significant increases in Morbidity and Mortality among healthy recipients. Was it a trial run to cleanse the World of useless eaters as the WEF wanted?!
"I have an immune system"

"99 probs vax ain't 1"

Kelly Ernby

"Officer Jack Nyce was a 17-year veteran of the force, the police department said in a statement on its Facebook page announcing his death. Sadly, he refused to be vaxxed and died of Covid."

A former Yakima area-based Washington State Patrol trooper whose resignation over mandated COVID vaccination for state employees went viral has died. The State Patrol announced Robert LaMay’s death Friday Jan 28 2022. He was 50.

Doug Kuzma swore he would stay home, but he died in the hospital of Covid. He caught it at "ReAwaken America" tour event in Dallas over the weekend of Dec. 10.

Qanon star said only idiots get vax
Broache73 · 46-50, F
Personal Responsibility is also about taking responsibility for your own Health, your own Risks, and deciding what you yourself need to do to keep yourself healthy, and not demand that of the rest of the Public, and not demand the Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers do so for you☺
Broache73 · 46-50, F
It wasn't my place and I didn't tell and never told anyone what to do or what not to do, that was their own Freedom of Choice and decision on what they themselves felt was healthy and take risks based on what they themselves felt was necessary and unnecessary.

Apparently, those who were involved in these drug-fueled Sex Parties and every debauchery they involved themselves in, weren't concerned about Public Health Safety when they scolded everyone else about Mask Mandates, Social Distancing, and Vaccine Mandates. Neither did Politicians and Governors who were doing more the same.
@Broache73 says
Apparently, those who were involved in these drug-fueled Sex Parties and every debauchery they involved themselves in,
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
It was bad, people died who should not have died, most important thing is did we learn from it.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@MrBrownstone I do criticize conspiracy theorist. Criticism is important in science we call it peer review, it is how we test theories. But conspiracy theorists are different they don't need facts to criticize something.

Here is the difference:

MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Johnson212 Where did you reasearch the second picture?
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@MrBrownstone I don't research, I let the scientist do that and read what they say.
Elisbch · M
@Elisbch And they keep going back for refills.
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