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Ever since the Covid 19 pandemic happened

Since 2020 it made me wonder after having caught Covid why the virus didn’t kill me but It put me to a point questioning why I didn’t die but everyone else did why I didn’t pass away but I constantly think about what happened why it wasn’t my time yet for my passing I caught Covid more than once and it never killed me when I got infected but I think now maybe Jesus Christ and god himself protected me from the deadly virus that effected the entire world that god must have saved me from the virus known as Covid 19 but it’s one of life’s greatest mysteries
@TheOrionbeltseeker says
Vaccines did nothing.
And yet, in 2021, the death rate per capita among the unvaccinated was 15X that of the vaccinated. Dude, that's a whole lot more than "nothing."

n 2021, the 75% of Americans fully vaccinated produced under 20% of the Covid deaths, while the 25% unvaccinated Americans produced over 80% of the Covid deaths.

In 2021, the 75% of Americans fully vaccinated produced under 31% of Covid cases; while the 25% unvaccinated Americans produced nearly 70% of Covid cases.

This means the US unvaccinated had a 5X higher chance of contracting Covid compared to the vaccinated per capita, and that overall the unvaccinated had about a 15X higher probability of Covid death per capita.

Note: since 'Long Covid' occurs in 15% to 25% of Covid cases, that means there is also a 5X higher prevalence of Long Covid per capita among the unvaccinated.

Sources & details at
@hippyjoe1955 we are done,

I should know better than to converse with a nutjob.

Run along
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Ryderbike The only one interrupting this thread is you. You can leave anytime you want but you will still have a very foreshortened life due to your unfounded trust in psychopaths such as Fauci and Pfizer. You were duped and the result will too soon be obvious. Better go out and make peace with your creator. Your days are very few.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Shockingly, you have presented ZERO data.
Come on, you can't really be shocked b y her lack of data, not after all this time. Disappointed, annoyed, frustrated, pissed off, etc. But not shocked not any more, her and people like her never present data and there is probably not much that you or I or others here in SW can do to change their minds.

It's still worth presenting the arguments though in case anyone who might be wavering sees the posts. Keep up the good work, you have more stamina than i do.
@hippyjoe1955 says
You completely ignore the latest data.

I don't NEED the latest data to prove vaccine benefits!! The vaccines saved over ONE MILLION lives in the US in 2021 alone. I don't need the "latest data," because
the vaccines have ALREADY saved over ONE MILLION lives.

Here's the math. I know it's way too complex for you, but I'm laying it out here for the benefit of other readers.

The data (see my answer here to Johnconnor) says 80% of US Covid deaths came from the 25% unvaxxed. Unvaxxed population = 83 million; vaxxed = 249 million. CDC estimate for US Covid deaths in 2021 is 460,000, so 368,000 deaths among the unvaxxed and 92,000 among the vaxxed - your basic pandemic of the unvaccinated.

That works out to a 0.44% death rate among unvaxxed, and a 0.037% death rate among the vaccinated. Please, get out your calculator and check my work!

If the death rate among vaxxed were equal to the death rate among the unvaxxed, that would have resulted in 1.1 million deaths instead of 92 thousand in 2021. Thus the vaccines have ALREADY saved OVER ONE MILLION lives in 2021 alone. That's a YUGE vaccine benefit!!!

And that's just deaths. In 2021, the vaccinated also benefit from a 5X lower infection rate, at least a 5X lower hospitalization rate, and a 5X lower 'long Covid' rate.


BTW, I'd love to see your "latest data" so please post a link to it! Yeah, I know you're allergic data and don't really have any, none the less I extend the invitation.

BTW, the latest data naturally incorporates all the benefits of partial immunity conferred by the vaccine. Still, I'd love to see it.
@hippyjoe1955 WRONG AGAIN !!!
You are remebering a DIFFERENT vaccine, NOT the mRNA vaccines!!

The memory error is all yours, LOL!!!

But because you never research before you post, you propagate countless stupid errors along with your usual lies - that's why you are an ongoing joke, LOL!!!

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ArishMell · 70-79, M
What makes you think God deems you any more important than anyone else?

Most infected by SARS_CoVid_19 do survive it, and some barely notice it; but that is typical of most infectious diseases. It is also irrespective of any religious belief they might hold.

If any supranatural deity developed plants and animals, including us, it is also the developer of the diverse diseases to which they are prone!

Many others though have died from it, especially if already weakened by existing illness; and a lot who do survive, developed peculiar, long-term after-effects of it. Religious or not. Virii and bacteria do not know and recognise philosophies.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@spjennifer Unless, of course, there's a conspiracy to keep these facts hidden.

I'm sure some people actually believe that.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@Lila15 Yes, I'm sure there are, but same goes for the "Massive Election Fraud in 2020", when things that really happen are that big, it's not just conspiracy nutters talking about it!
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@spjennifer Eventually, the conspiracy grows so large, everyone is involved in it.
The original Covid death rate in the U.S. was 1.4%, and many of the dead were 60+ years old. By the time of the Delta wave, the U.S. death rate was down to 0.61% and it's still lower now.

Most Americans were protected by a combination of good vaccines and healthy immune systems. Likely that applies to you too.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@ElwoodBlues Vaccines did nothing. Most people already developed immunity before the vaccines even came. They are a waste you can't even drink. (Personal perception based on observation)
@TheOrionbeltseeker So true. They did nothing.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Covid was not a mass killer as the media would have you believe. More deaths were caused by medical malpractice than the actual disease. They had inexpensive treatments early on but the government banned their usage. I had covid. As a senior it was supposed to be very dangerous for me. It was a mild cold. I never missed a day's work. Sadly the government cures and preventions were exactly the wrong things to do from ventilators to masks to lockdowns to vaxes everything they did caused an increase in deaths. So much for government science.
You are wise to recognize this. Even in pain and sickness, we can develop wisdom. Illnesses, depression, etc., do have a way of compelling us to look at the deeper meaning of life, that may have otherwise, been ignored. God definitely has a plan for our lives.

All I know is that while it hasn’t stopped family members from catching Covid, only the three who refused to be vaccinated have passed away. One was very pious, said "God will spare me if that’s his plan." If that belief meant he died without fear or regrets then there’s nothing I can say. Still, we miss him. 🥺
@LadyGrace I’ve stopped discussing it at length here. People have to do what’s right for themselves.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@LadyGrace Actually, people were dying from COVID before the vaccine was even available.
@Lila15 Yes.
And then you woke up?
Avoid rational thinking about disease, and do not thereby become the most hated person -. A socialist.
Just let Murka enjoy the end times.
In your age range, covid is rarely fatal unless you have additional comorbidities
Is god one of life's great mysteries?

I struggle to believe in a saviour for mankind who also lets children suffer with cancer, or who orphans children, or producing such horrible diseases

It is great you are well and healthy. Maybe that has something to do with you lifestyle or your genes
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
. That is a full stop.

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