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Nitedoc · 51-55, M
"much ado about nothing" I've personally watched over a dozen people die from Covid-19.
You were lucky.
You were lucky.
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revenant · F
@SomeLikeItHot come on admit it...he would be a hell of lot less boring than sleepy joe6
@revenant i wouldn’t trust him with anyone.
AbbySvenz · F
For you, or your kids. That’s great. You’re lucky, or blessed, if that’s your thing.. Not everybody who caught it was.
May your recovery be likewise smooth and uneventful.
May your recovery be likewise smooth and uneventful.
LadyGrace · 70-79
I'm sorry to hear this. Please get well soon and feel better soon.
Naughtygirl2 · F
I lost a family member, sending all my love and hugs out to anyone had it, got it or long covid
Boosters are IMPORTANT
Boosters are IMPORTANT
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Fairydust · F
Boosters are not important! Covid was a flu.
Get with the times! Not safe and effective and pfizer lied 🤥 they didn’t even do any research 🔬 if it could be passed on once vaccinated.
They all lied, you’ve been conned.
Boosters are not important! Covid was a flu.
Get with the times! Not safe and effective and pfizer lied 🤥 they didn’t even do any research 🔬 if it could be passed on once vaccinated.
They all lied, you’ve been conned.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
Get well soon. I've been sick for 4 days so I can imagine how hard it's on all of you. We all caught it here in the worst of restrictions. Stay hydrated and try and eat something even if it messes with appetite and rest rest rest. Stay isolated too within in the same house if possible. The viral load isn't the same and you can get re infected or that's what I was told. 🌹
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I had it when it was known as delta. I never missed a days work. I didn't go out of my house but I was hardly sick. A few days later I was good to go. I still don't understand the panic that the health authorities were pushing. Much ado about nothing. Well that and their solutions were such a joke you had to laugh. Wearing a mask that is too porous to wear in a dusty environment is silly beyond words. Having to talk to the clerks in the store through plexiglass. Stand 6 feet apart. REALLY?!?! Then there were the vaxes. Su much nonsense and complet lack of science. Incredible.
senghenydd · M
I was one of the first to catch Covid before the 22nd of March 20 Lockdown in the UK I still have a black spot on my eye which will eventually disappear sadly, I lost an old friend to Covid he was 96 years old; I'm had all four vaccinations we need to treat Covid with respect.
LadyJ · F
I caught it a few weeks ago and i was really ill for 4 days..felt like i was dying 😭..but I'm glad your doing ok
@LadyJ glad you made it through that 4 day ordeal,,, Hope you are back to normal now or very soon
LadyJ · F
@nightowl99 Thankyou i feel much better
Wiseacre · F
Yes, bc omicron is not severe...I had it.too, and it was.a.sniffle...however, if u're old and compromised, might be a different story.
revenant · F
@hippyjoe1955 do you remember that we were " at war " ?🙄 against that virus...well we are all paying the price now with that damn inflation too ! All wars cost a lot of money
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@revenant That they do. Yes declaring a war on a virus was silly then and remains so since the only thing that will come from such a war is a loss of freedom. Much like the war on terrorism freedoms once lost and rarely recovered.
revenant · F
@hippyjoe1955 It was SUCH a nothing burger compared to real plagues of before. I believe it was engineered to " test " us and see how compliant we are.
I'm not going to be one of those telling you to get well and feel better soon. Since you've made it clear you're absolutely fine..
I got it after the fear was all a flurry, from a nurse, right around Christmas, two years ago.
It felt so strange, I sneezed twice, instant flu symptoms but it felt backwards. A fever and a very productive cough that got less and less productive.
Some fatigue that lasted four or so days, lingering cough but pretty much.. nothing, just like you said.
It's calmed way down to cold symptoms, so it's no wonder you and your family are just fine.
I got it after the fear was all a flurry, from a nurse, right around Christmas, two years ago.
It felt so strange, I sneezed twice, instant flu symptoms but it felt backwards. A fever and a very productive cough that got less and less productive.
Some fatigue that lasted four or so days, lingering cough but pretty much.. nothing, just like you said.
It's calmed way down to cold symptoms, so it's no wonder you and your family are just fine.
kutee · T
if you dont die, thenits just long covid, feeling exhausted all daylong fo rmonths
senghenydd · M
@kutee That's exactly what happened to me exhausted for months I've been left with a torn inner eye which in time will heal, it's a black spot on my vision it's only a spot. (I've made sure I've received all four vaccines which have been available.)
kutee · T
@senghenydd same here ive ahd all my jabs, soon hav emore, i dont want to catchit at all, as don tknow long term illness
Pfuzylogic · M
There are so many variants to catch. This winter there is BA.5 , XBB and BQ.1 .
Do you know which variant you caught which has such mild symptoms?
Do you know which variant you caught which has such mild symptoms?
Pfuzylogic · M
revenant · F
@Pfuzylogic no thanks. Was forced to take the jabs for air travel.
Pfuzylogic · M
Wish you well.
As you can tell it is so easy to catch and some variants have shortened lifespans.
Wish you well.
As you can tell it is so easy to catch and some variants have shortened lifespans.
Ontheroad · M
I'm glad to hear you and your family are doing so well.
On the other hand, I'm fairly certain the 6.6 million (currently) who have died from Covid-19 might disagree with you about it being nothing. I'm also thinking the cost of Covid-19 (depending upon how it's calculated) is somewhere between 12 and 24 trillion in U.S. dollars, which I think might be just a tad more than nothing.
On the other hand, I'm fairly certain the 6.6 million (currently) who have died from Covid-19 might disagree with you about it being nothing. I'm also thinking the cost of Covid-19 (depending upon how it's calculated) is somewhere between 12 and 24 trillion in U.S. dollars, which I think might be just a tad more than nothing.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I’m glad you all have mild cases!
Fairydust · F
Glad you’re all ok. It was the same in our household, the only one who did get poorly was the vaccinated one.
Fairydust · F
I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that, a local lady to me died from AstraZeneca. Lisa shaw, she a a radio host here.
It’s been taken off the market.
I’ve not trusted the pharmaceutical world for years, a friend’s husband died after his flu jab.
I knew there was bad things going on and when it came out I was never going to get it. My mum was rushed into hospital with her heart, the doctor said not to get any more vaccines. She’s never been the same since her booster.
Aw he’s a selfish man and just wanted me back with him. All about control. When I filed for divorce, it was in the papers for him not ti return to the family home. He kept coming back for a month here and there, I had no choice, it was really hard to deal with and not normal.
I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that, a local lady to me died from AstraZeneca. Lisa shaw, she a a radio host here.
It’s been taken off the market.
I’ve not trusted the pharmaceutical world for years, a friend’s husband died after his flu jab.
I knew there was bad things going on and when it came out I was never going to get it. My mum was rushed into hospital with her heart, the doctor said not to get any more vaccines. She’s never been the same since her booster.
Aw he’s a selfish man and just wanted me back with him. All about control. When I filed for divorce, it was in the papers for him not ti return to the family home. He kept coming back for a month here and there, I had no choice, it was really hard to deal with and not normal.
Mamapolo2016 · F
Sometimes it IS nothing. Sometimes it isn't nothing.
revenant · F
@Mamapolo2016 it is a big nothing for 4 of us lol
Mamapolo2016 · F
@revenant I am happy for you.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It is nothing for you.
Certain Nothings, when Not taken cautions aggravate n lead to Many things.
fun4us2b · M
It's a crazy weird disease - my 96 year old dad had it twice, with no symptoms. I had it 3 times, each time different and the 3rd time was really nasty....
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
Damn sorry to hear that im wishing you and your family a speedy recovery
I have been lucky (knock wood) but I did get sick from getting the booster.
BizSuitStacy · M
I'm glad to hear your's and your family's symptoms aren't too bad.
bookerdana · M
I'm glad you're doing well 🖤...the new strains are less deadly by far......
Wyocowboy · M
Please take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.
Well maybe it will get you next time then.
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
Hope you get well soon 🤗
Omg sorry to hear that 😢
nevergiveup · M
get well soon all of you
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
You take care.
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am glad it’s been nothing for you but I had it and had to have monoclonal antibodies and 12 weeks later and I can’t walk up stairs without having to rest and catch my breath.
My brain is foggy, I am exhausted and my legs feel like I have ran a marathon. At least my cough is starting to go away.
My grandmother died from covid and I had a friend who went into organ failure and died and left her three kids without a mother.
I am glad you are okay though.
My brain is foggy, I am exhausted and my legs feel like I have ran a marathon. At least my cough is starting to go away.
My grandmother died from covid and I had a friend who went into organ failure and died and left her three kids without a mother.
I am glad you are okay though.
revenant · F
@iamonfire696 that sucks...maybe you got the first strand which was a lot more severe. I really wish you well6
Wiseacre · F
@iamonfire696 yep, it all depends on luck!
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@revenant I got it back in august. Not sure which variant it was. So glad you are all doing okay 💖.
Azlotto · M
Dang! I wish you well.
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DDonde · 31-35, M
Yeah it's different from person to person
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