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I Have Bacterial Vaginosis

Hi, I am a student and I have BV. BV causes many implications in my life because I cannot go outside and do normal things. You might think we'll why the heck not... But BV cause the most nastiest smell ever possible by mankind! It has taken over my life, I can try too be positive but the fact remains I smell, a normal answer too this problem would be "take a bath or a friggin shower" however that doesn't help the problem it only worsened it. As a student in college My attendance and grades have lowered greatly I used to get rewards for 99% attendance but now I'm 79%. I hope if someone reads this who has BV please message me for support. I have tried to different gels too fix it however they did not work. I'm hoping I will have the confidence too make an appointment on Monday with the GP so they can give me medicine for it.
The more we ignore it and pretend it's not there the worse it gets, so do everything you can too sorting it out. I have got depression from it and I wake up in the mornings feeling like crap!it makes life worthless because no matter how good you are at something, how intelligent you are, whether you get the highest score it doesn't matter because you stink and people don't want to be around you. But there is some light....
Once I get the medicine I need hopefully it will leave me every if it's just for a week I don't mind.
I want too live again.
SoFine · 46-50, F
If you can don't wear synthetic underwear. Try just cotton/silk.
Avoid sugar...
Sugar is in allot of processed food. That is packaged/junk food.
Eat real, fruit/veggies.
Avoid sugar drinks, drink allot of still water.
Cleanse from inside out.
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
Trust me when I say this.... I have tried every remedy on the internet out there, I have tried gels, I have tried ignoring it and it doesn't work. I'm going to have too rely on antibiotics and what the doctor gives me no matter how embarrassing the appointment will be.... :(
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Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
No I don't but I tried the water and no sugar thing, I had 2 litres of water and completely got rid of water, I also did 30 minutes of cardio to relieve stress cause I read stress makes it worse but it didn't work :(
I'm sure everyone around you is hoping and praying the medicine works too.
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
im sure they are and I would be too if I had to be around someone with such stench...LOL... I'm hoping and praying it will work too... :)
SoFine · 46-50, F

Chemistry has you be alive. We are what we eat. The chemistry of the interaction from air to toxins is all based on what goes in the mouth. Sugar and yeast cause growth, they bubble like alcohol does. Alcohol gives off an odour, so does the vaggie.
(The vaggie is like a yeast bath, It needs to be Ph Balanced Alkaline/acidic)
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
I don't eat fast food but I do eat a lot off refined foods like rice and bread however I've started a vegetarian diet and it's my 4th day. XD I think because it is a bacterial probably antibiotics is my only hope... :)
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Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
My problem is a bacterial problem, it's not yeast infection :)
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Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
Yes your right at first when I found out I was so embarrassed, if you have ever had the 'condition' then you would know that you can't really smell anything so I kept convincing myself there was nothing wrong....
May your crotch smell better in days to come. 😷
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
Haha let's take a moment of silence for my downstairs.... XD
Goralski · 56-60, M
Please im about ta eat
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
Eat away please, but I'm confused as too why your on this post if your interested in food...I hate to make you barf but BV is a problem downstairs) 😂
Goralski · 56-60, M
For d record guys don't care if they're drunk enough
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
Haha you must be a bad drunk XD
[image/video deleted]
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
If you think those commercial items work then you are a very naive person, those are there taking advantage of people. Spray and deodorant makes the condition worse not better.
it is Perfume for the Crotch.....😉
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
Things like warm baths, showers, sprays, deodorant, scented soaps make the 'condition' worse as it creates an unhealthy ph imbalance and other sciency stuff I'm unaware of XD
1961dave · 61-69, M
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, it really sounds like you're living in Hell!
Axtearxofxshine · 26-30, F
It's not that bad but my mortal human brain likes to exaggerate a lot of things but it will get better 😂

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