ExperienceDLT · M
Mine does yes but i dont eat the proper foods either so my fault
XxJamberxX · 26-30, F
@ExperienceDLT Me too. I won't give up sugar particularly sugary drinks.
ExperienceDLT · M
@XxJamberxX i have colitis as well as diabetes so certain things i cant have cause of colitis certain things cant have cause of diabetes so it really sucks
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
It probably typically runs higher than the average person's, but it tends to run pretty even except right after meals, when it tends to spike, depending on what I eat.
TrashCat · M
I am diabetic. My sugar runs around 110-130 as long as I maintain a strict diet and watch my intake
Pfuzylogic · M
It depends on the level of carbs that I eat.
I am exercising pretty regular so my BS runs from 100-180.
I am exercising pretty regular so my BS runs from 100-180.

They do go.high if I eat over a certain amount of carbs