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It annoys me when doctors are late

My neurologist is currently 45 minutes late for a telephone consultation. I hate waiting as it flares up my anxiety. What is the point in having an appointment time atal if they aren't going to call then. I can accept 15minutes but this is ridiculous. I'm beginning to wonder if they've missed me off the list. I've had that happen before with the local hospital. These guys run an hour late or more when I go in person so here's still a possibility that they'll call.
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Tommytee · M
U,re lucky,with my neurologist was early for an 11:00 appointment by 30 mins and only got out at 16:30.Besides waiting for nigh on 4 hrs he receives tel.calls during the consultation too!Maybe manners was not part of the curriculum for them
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@Tommytee oh dear not good
When my wife broke a finger, the consultant considered it was below him to see her.
(MA Oxon, winner of Gold Prize.)

He wrote a report on the wrong finger and sent it to the GP.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I've fired doctors for having me wait. Things do come up but most patients have other things to do.

I caught one doctor in his office watching a financial channel.

That cavalier attitude pisses me off.
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@Crazywaterspring he's NHS so I cant fire him. He is a very nice guy too he was an hour and a half late but he apologised.

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