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Are you or are you not suffering from Cognitive Dissonance?

Article by Laura Dodsworth

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therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Giving into fear by the many billions of people throughout the globe has caused endless destruction of lives, finances and economies. The current amount of people being affected mentally and physically is probably also in the billions. The government, mainstream media and medical apparatus no longer deserve our trust. Those who refuse to understand how and why they have been manipulated and abused are suffering from cognitive dissonance and are the enablers of tyranny. The only we can return to what many once considered some semblance of normal is to demand accountability for all this planned treachery and ensuing crimes. We can never trust any of these people in power again.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@therighttothink50 But how do we trust comments like yours to be facts or just your beliefs, however sincere you may be?
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell @therighttothink50's beliefs are not things he has dreamed up out of ennui or hatred of authority or whatever.

They are informed (as are mine) by the research, studies, etc, which have been and are being churned out daily as tens of thousands of doctors and scientists the world over have looked and continue to look into the coercive practices of governments and medical authorities and Big Pharma, and their proposed medical remedy - FORCED INJECTIONS for all, unheard of and undreamt of till now.

Unfortunately, these investigating and reporting scientists and their work have been censored and hidden from public view, or "fact-checked" to death. The mainstream media have organised this ostracism - they are in on the coup!

But for your average Joe to recognise that he has been bamboozled in the name of The Science, by all the entities that he has always regarded as trustworthy, is too much for him.

Hence, Cognitive Dissonance. He rejects all light on the subject, because he has been conditioned to BELIEVE THE NARRATIVE.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF I do not doubt his - or your - sincerity of belief; but I want facts not beliefs, and the more sensational or emotional the language about conditioning and censoring and forced and the rest of it, the less convinced I am by the beliefs.
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell The problem is that you want facts from ME, or HIM. We are limited humans - we read these facts every single day, from multiple sources, but we don’t memorise them.

You ask us for the facts. We could easily direct you to them. Very very easily! But you refuse to go and consult them yourself! I have already given you, by PM, a few months ago, a long list of sites you could check out for yourself. Result? Nothing. I don't think you bothered looking at any of them. Or if you did, you viewed them through the lens of the "fact-checkers". No wonder we get frustrated and use emotive language! That's unfortunately what happens when you come up against cognitive dissonance!

The real scientist or enquirer looks at a phenomenon from all angles. The media, google, and the FCs are not allowing you to do that. They are presenting ONE ANGLE only. They are depriving you of the chance to make a judgement for yourself, based on balancing the different arguments.

We, who stand accused of having no facts (!), have seen both sides, and have duly formed our judgement. I'm sorry, but that puts us in a far superior position to yours.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF Actually I do read at least some of what you cite, but now you tell me they are all presenting just one angle, the one which you disagree.

While holding an opinion does not make you "superior" to anyone questioning it.
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell No question of being superior through holding an opinion!

The advantage held by the person who evaluates two opposing points of view compared to the one who receives and unquestioningly accepts only one point of view is obvious, is it not?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF It is but do you offer both sides?
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell I have been at great pains over these months while interacting with you to make a distinction between (a) and (b), as follows


(a) during the covid years the message propagated univocally by governments and media. Some examples: this disease, which came to humans from bats, is highly dangerous to all. We must introduce emergency measures, ignoring previously planned optimal measures for containing such an outbreak. These measures are without doubt destructive in many ways, but we will enforce them for the good of the people. / We must rush through a medicinal product that we will call a vaccine, which will be enforced on people of all ages, even though tests have been short-circuited, and though we can't possibly know their effect on unborn children, on pregnant women, on drug-drug interaction, and even though they act on DNA using technology known to be potentially dangerous. / We guarantee that these vaccines are safe (a non-sequitur of proportions that would be laughable if it wasn't so deceitfully dangerous!) and effective (an unverified + unverifiable promise).


(b) the information freely available if you have doubts and are prepared to throw off the shackles of Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, et al, and search. Examples from tens of thousands of competent professionals in all fields of medicine and also political studies, producing a volume of research work growing exponentially by the day since early 2020: this disease is dangerous only to the elderly with comorbidities. There was never any need to vaccinate healthy younger people and above all, children! / The disease was developed by researchers (it contains sequences which could not have been created by natural means) and somehow escaped from a weapons lab in China. (This kind of research was prohibited by Obama but facilitated and pursued by Fauci.) / The "cure" is in no way "safe" - witness the huge numbers of excess deaths in all countries following the vaccination campaigns, especially among young sportsmen (heart attacks in such people?? "mild", according to the media, even if fatal in some cases) / It can be effective for a short lapse of time, but leaves people open to future bouts of covid, harder-hitting after boosters than without them) / The injected substances, when examined under 800x microscopes, are dirty (containing all manner of unexpected and/or inexplicable objects, having been part of a rushed job which made a proper 100% level of QC impossible. / We were assured that the injected substance would remain in the deltoid muscle, but due again to the rushed job, vaccinators were not properly trained (e.g., in aspirating before injecting) and often the spike protein found its way round the whole body, building up for example in the ovaries and testes - a bad omen for future procreation, especially for women) / Undertakers have reported finding unique structures in blood vessels, long stringy white plasticky creations they had never seen before... Etc., etc.

These are just a few of the discoveries made by honest, inquiring researchers, men and women of integrity. They are rewarded by being sacked, and professionally discredited. You never hear about them on the news, or if you do, it's just to mock them publicly.

This "other side", this part (b), is what I have been presenting to you for a long long time. It is becoming clear to me that you just don't want to know. You will no doubt find a clever way to undermine "the other side" of the argument.

In light of this, further debate seems pointless.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF Ii use Wikipedia but not Google (apart from its "Earth" service) and most certainly not Facebook! Yet you also say all the sources who we should trust are just as unreliable as them.

We always knew the various vaccines carry risks of their own - all medications do - and I do take your point that they were rushed into use, so a huge gamble; but injected by untrained personnel?

Although investigation has been undeniably hampered by the Chinese government, no-one really knows where and how Covid originated; but the Beijing government certainly attracts suspicion by its own actions.
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Yes. Did you think that every vaccinator in every village/town hall or school or church rooms or car park in England had had a nurse-level training in the art of vaccination? For example, to always check that the liquid is not going to penetrate a blood vessel (potentially dangerous)?

You don't mention my other points, all easily substantiated? (your responsibility, not mine)

You still maintain that all this info comes from one-off blogs?

Sorry, I did not in any way say or imply that my numerous sources are as unreliable as Facebook!!! Are we reading the same text here? I am at a loss to understand this remark of yours!

I think it is best if I withdraw from discussion with you.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF You had implied it's me who uses Facebook - I don't and won't, for any purpose. I don't trust its business purposes and don't need it anyway. I didn't say you do.

As others have said, you don't like being questioned, do you!
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Nigel I am sick to the back teeth of patiently explaining to you, probably over more than a year, that there are other points of view. You are the one who won't listen. So now, I have had enough. Construe that how you wish. I am within an inch of blocking you.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
