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Article today from TCW (UK). It asks several questions.


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ArishMell · 70-79, M
It hardly helps when the statistics admit "unknown ages" and "number 'greater than ten' "

As for Dr Fauci and Bill Gates, I'd rather hear from a clinician than a computer programmer whether a vaccine is effective.
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Those two figures have not been revealed by... the MHRA. They could be too incriminating. Beware the conspiracies of the anti-conspiracy crowd!

As for the greatFauci, he has just brazenly announced that his vaccines didn't work. Gates, effectively the computer nerd with no medical background, has recently confessed the same thing.

ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF To be honest we did really have to take a wing and a prayer approach.

Had people not been immunised on the scale they were the numbers of those seriously ill or dead from SARS_CoVid_19 would have been far higher; but since it was a new disease to us humans it it was inevitable the success of any novel vaccine or treatment would be a gamble. As would be its side-effects - and all medications have those.

What has happened here though was the whole issue was very heavily politicised by various people for reasons of their own, such as short-term economics. These include not only politicians but also hangers-on like Bill Gates who is neither a doctor not a politician. Why is he being given so much attention? Not to mention the assorted anti-vaccination hence pro-pandemic types, whatever their motives: some possibly based on mutually-encouraged fears of the unknown of the disease and its prevention.

It is striking that there has never been this sort of anti-vaccination campaigning against those for polio, TB, tetanus, etc.

Covid won't go away. It likes humans even though we don't like it. Epidemics and pandemics are unfortunately inevitable, especially so in a world whose rising population in total both encroaches on, exploits and destroys wildlife to an ever-increasing degree and mixes (by international travel and migration) to an ever increasing degree. There will be ones in future, and we can only hope that we can learn from both the mistakes and successes of this and previous ones, to ward off the worst of the next. Whatever its form and wherever its source.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell Sorry to disagree with you but the solution to covid was never a vax. By the time a vax was properly developed and injected including all the trials needed to ascertain safety and efficacy the virus would have mutated so much that the vax would not have worked.

The fact is that the deaths from covid are largely the result of lack of proper treatment. We had known effective treatments and we chose to ignore them. We also had killer treatments and chose to use them. The medical establishment has severely fouled its nest, to the degree that many people are not seeking medical help with their minor ailments that they commonly ran to the doctor with previous.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 If we had had effective treatments available on the scale necessary they would certainly have been used; but were there really any? There was a lot of publicity about one or two drugs, but they seem not to have been as effective as thought.

What is noticeable that this was the only vaccination programme that has attracted so much determined campaigning against it, usually based on stoking up unlikely fears, and often for political reasons. It is true that the various vaccine were rushed into use without the normal several years of testing as we did not have that luxury of time, but far more have been vaccinated without side-effects and have avoided serious illness, than not.

It was a desperate gamble but without it, the death-toll from the disease would have been far, far higher because it was spreading so rapidly and it was new enough in our species for us to have poor natural immunity to it. Or for the virus to have mutated for its own protection to less potentially-fatal versions.

This was not the first epidemic or pandemic already this Century. It will not be the last. All we can do is hope we have learnt from it.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell Actually there are a number of very effective drugs and therapies that had they been used would have cut the number of covid deaths significantly. That is not to say they were ever 100% effective but using them would have saved a lot more lives that the vax which is now killing more people than the disease. Speaking of the disease the vax can be shown to increase the risk of dying from the virus. Sad little factoid that bears keeping in mind. The other obvious fact is that the virus weakens very quickly. Yes the Alpha strain was much more dangerous than the Delta strain which was more deadly than the Omicron. The problem is the one part of the virus that changes most quickly is the spike protein. What was in the jab? the mechanism to generate the Alpha strain spike protein which is so different than the Delta spike protein as to be completely ineffective in generating any immune response. However as the number of jabs increased the human immune system simply became tolerant of the spike protein and that allows the natural virus to run amok in the body killing more people than would normally have happened. Sadly the medical establishment severely fouled its nest on this one and will have great difficulty in regaining its former glory. I would be willing to bet that the number of routine vaccinations is way down.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 How do those for Influenza and Pneumonia rate, then? These are respiratory diseases that have "always" been around, still kill people (though usually already weakened by other illnesses). I have had 'flu vaccinations for quite some years now, but when I had a Pneumonia jab last year - for the first time - the nurse said protects against about 25 strains of it!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell The reason the vaxes for influenza are new every year is because the virus changes so much they need to rejig the vaccine to even come close to having any effect at all. Funny point from my experience. My late mother in law was confined to a dementia ward the last 10 years of her life. Every year we would get a phone call asking if we wanted her to get the flu vaccine. Every year we said yes and every year she go the flu usually within a short period of being vaccinated. Sadly she was not alone and in the ten years she was there we never had a Christmas celebration because the ward was closed due to flu. Sadly we have been sold a bill of goods on a lot of these vaccines. Kind of sad but most of the vaccines being encouraged have any noticeable efficacy. You might as well be injecting saline solution.