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I have an eye screening this morning.

I have to go to the hospital this morning for an eye screening because of my recently diagnosed diabetes. I cant say im looking forward to it, i hate my eyes being messed with!!
Ive had to take ( yet another) day off work. Im told my pupils will be dialated for hours afterwards and expect my eyes to be super sensitive for much of the day.
So, sunglasses at the ready.....
LadyGrace · 70-79
It's not so bad Ruby. I was just like you and it was a breeze. You'll be okay. I'll say a prayer for you. Afterwards, it's not as bad as you think it is. I felt pressure in my eye but it was nothing near what I thought it would be. Very manageable and sunglasses help.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@LadyGrace thank you for your kind words my friend.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
It’s not bad but take sunglasses for after and get someone to drive you home the sunlight is to bright for hours after, good luck
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
You have to be super careful because if you have too much sugar and your blood sugar goes up too high you can go blind and I know this cuz I had to help take care of my grandmother when I was little
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@OogieBoogie im am....but im pissed off i was started on medication imediately without been given chance to do it with diet. As i levels were low enough it should have been duscussed... but of course.... i didnt know much about anything at that point and took the advice i was given.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Fluffybull it's self awareness. No need to post an angry emoji because I told her to be careful because it happened to my grandma when I was 14. That was 15 years ago which wasn't that long ago. So please don't be ignorant. I'm actually trying to help advise her to be careful and YOURE mad because there are real outcomes that I warned her to be careful of. It's not to scare her. It's a real POSSIBILITY. please don't get offensive when I'm actually being genuine. It's more then just EYE CARE. She has diabetes. Have a nice day.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@OogieBoogie I wasn't being unsupportive tho. Please take my comment into real consideration.
I have diabetic retinopathy and get injections in my eyes every 6 weeks. Don't stress the eye exam or the going blind scare tactic. Of course you want to control sugars as best you can. But the body can stop processing or creating insulin. Even a dilated eye exam is really nothing. Dilated by eye drops. Don't worry yourself into a frenzy.
I had mine at 4.00 yesterday. All clear and good for another year
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@nevergiveup they told me before they started they couldnt give me any feedback or comment on the photographs. After hed taken them, he saidnthey were book quality and they would be sent away to be analysed.
@RubySoo In all the years i have had it done they have never told me at the time. Like you they said i would get a letter in a few weeks. Maybe it was just as i was interested in what she did
@RubySoo she was not the person that normaly does it for me so maybe she is new and did not know she was not supposed to tell me. She seamed happy to show what she does
ask the doctor if he has drops to reverse the dilation after the exam. my Ophthalmologist used them the last time I was there
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@saragoodtimes NHS Flower....thats not gonna happen! Lol. Its an unnecessary cost.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
My wife has diabetes and goes for retina exams regularly. Over time, she has gotten somewhat used to the routine.

I hope they find that your eyes are ok!
Hopefully, you can keep your eyesight in good condition by decreasing your A1c. You can do this, all you need to do is reduce the sugar and carbs then exercise daily.
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
🙏 Have a good pair of sunglasses to wear after screening . Oh 🌺 Just read the rest . You got them ready . Good luck 🙏 🌹 Everything is so bright after , Be careful heading home 🌷
I dreaded this too, but it's really not too bad. I can't even put eye drops in without blinking and could never wear contact lenses.
Fluffybull · F
The eyedrops are really no problem; we have this done routinely in eye tests in the UK. Any effects should wear off quite quickly.
4meAndyou · F
The dilation really isn't that bad. After an hour with your sunglasses you will be fine.
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Speaking from experience.
doodatt · 61-69, M
I hope it went ok
I hate eye stuff too.

I never know where to look, or if im doing it right😆
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RubySoo · 56-60, F
@jshm2 have you even read my comments on this post???

How unpleasant of you calling me like that.
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