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I dont have much to say

a large part of the appeal of this site was the instant gratification of posting something and interacting in real time not 4days later lol

and of course, all the "regulars" that form this community, but it seems like people just peek in and dip out lately😐
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But sone of us have to work and watch netflix series 😳
Selah ·
@SStarfish you dont do either
@Selah i do sometimes 😃😮😧
It's very much how it feels these days.
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@SUPERVlXEN what's that Country song: 'You say it best, When you say nothing at all'...and now that I repeat the title that can sound kind of controlling and misogynistic
They are probably bored and don't feel like conversation because it is the holidays and winter is not everyone's favorite season so they get depressed and don't wish to interact with anyone.. That is what I think
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@SW-User too much past emotions tied up with it maybe?
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
and a lot of people struggling
@atlantic59 Very true
OhIsMe · 41-45, M
I've even noticed it getting quieter since I came back. I thought maybe it was just me blocking so many people 😅

It's a feedback loop isn't it? I used to post then excitedly check back two minutes later to see how many orange blobs I had, now I know it will be hours and hours before you see it so I only check back in when I have some time to relax.
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@OhIsMe are you relaxed yet? I just watched youtube videos of clapton and Cale doing After Midnight and Call Me The Breeze, twice
Mhm. I just can't get into having interactions over the course of several days. We would go back to snail mail if that's what we desired.
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@Nadie old snail mail had it's build up tension, but one could die before it arrived
The membership is waning
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
When did it change for you, within the last year?
Since me joining I think I've noticed
it's still fun, though. just adjust your fade time
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
I hate to bring this up, but are there more social rampages or killings this time of year?

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