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Got back home Saturday morning from the UK

10 reflective thoughts

1. How naive of me to think going in winter there wouldn’t be many tourists. Summer would be unimaginable
2. I’m tempted to buy a trench coat now even though I have no use for one. Quite fashionable
3. No data on the underground? Not sure how people survive. Transport was very easy to use though
4. No photos at various tourist attractions is annoying and a rule I may have broken
5. Seeing Man Utd and getting a tour at OT was awesome. Especially seeing a late winner after thinking we’d blown it
6. Liverpool and Manchester both came to life when football games were on
7. York has a great confectionery shop and the neat Harry Potter street, plus the Viking tour was interesting
8. Edinburgh castle looks great lit up at night, a late night climb up a hill was well worth it
9. Met so many people during my trip including other tourists, Aussies living over here and even bumped into an ex England cricket captain
10. I have no idea how to sleep well on long flights, but my first overseas solo travel experience was wonderful
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Lugwho · 61-69, M
"Sorry I was on the tube" can be a good excuse for not replying to messages. Sounds like a good trip. York and Edinburgh are two of my favourite cities. I do remember being hungover in York once on a Sunday morning.. We were looking for a cooked breakfast and all we could find was shops selling fudge. There is a gap in the market for isotonic fudge for hangovers.
@Lugwho Who were you ignoring? 🤣 Try have some fudge when you’re sober. I assure you it’s still a great experience
GLITTER · 36-40, F
What a trip you really did go all over the shop! Glad you enjoyed! Come to the south coast next time! It’s a beautiful place to visit 😊
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Really pleased you had a great time. Thanks for bringing your much needed foreign currency 😂.
Did you get to see any of our wonderful countryside as you traveled between the big cities?
@FreddieUK Yes heading back south to London on the train I saw some lovely scenery. Reminded me of NZ at times
BabyLonia · F
I'm glad we made you feel welcomed

Where could you not take photos?
@BabyLonia Parts of Windsor just to name one, but some other attractions I saw too
BabyLonia · F
@BeefySenpie I've never been to windsor but i suppose it is a place of residence
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Glad you had a great time! Coming back any time soon?
@Kstrong Maybe one day. Coming during summer would be ideal but I hear prices go through the roof
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@BeefySenpie it's never gonna get cheaper
YoMomma ·
Yay sounds like it went well and you are home safe now 😊
Felina · F
Awesome 🥰
What city was your favourite?
@HijabaDabbaDoo Probably London since there’s so much to do and I kicked things off there. If I’d stayed longer in some of the other cities I might answer differently

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