checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
I agree, liquid is primarily the bodies BFF, solid is that friend that is always there saying you need me, & bad solids are the enemy friend that takes not gives .
PortugalDreams · 41-45, C
@checkoutanytime you have more truth than all the continents of the world United!!
Punches · 46-50, F
Of course A lot of them are jacking up their prices so it's really not even worth eating there anymore.
PortugalDreams · 41-45, C
@Punches jack up! Poor jack is down!
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
It really is terrible to see what some places can do with a healthy piece of protein like chicken 😢
PortugalDreams · 41-45, C
@TrumpIsFinallyGone Protein? It is fake! Lipids rule the skies and the seas! Rule Lipidania!