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I Have An Eating Disorder

So this is not something I've shared much... and if so it's been in a joking way because that is my nature. But in the spirit of being really real here (something I've wanted to do but have been terrified of)...I will tell you this: I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's no way to live. But it's my life.
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It seems many of us are battling some kind of demon. I battle with one called "self harm". I know nothing I can say will help. So for what it's worth, the best I can do is this.....🤗
Femme4thewin · 22-25, F
You’re right. Its no way to live. I hope you’re getting help though?
My prayers for you.
I still remember Karen Carpenter and the struggle she went through.
Starstuff · F
Sorry to hear.😕🌹
Starstuff · F
Coppercoil · M
@Starstuff all good.. just thought the strawberry was funny.. no shade.
Starstuff · F
@Coppercoil Ok 👍
Femme4thewin · 22-25, F
Oh I forgot 💜💜💜. Purple is the eating disorder recovery color. We all have different symptoms and struggles, but we all deserve peace.
🤗 I guessed but never wanted to say anything. It's a sensitive topic.
I’m sorry. I hope you have supportive people around you.
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
I’m so sorry you are struggling with this.
Wow, I had no idea...😔
Coppercoil · M
I had no idea
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@dumpstermeow So what do you think of the User astronomy & Would You Do Him

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