I Have Lost People I Love From CancerLast Friday morning I got a call from the nursing home that my sister was staying in for her treatment for her medical problems including her cancer and the nurse said that she had passed away at 5:30am and they didn't call me until 5:44am on my... See More ยป
I Wish All Mothers A Happy Mothers DayI want to wish all the Mom's and the woman out there to have a very Happy Mother's Day tomorrow.
I Am HurtYesterday I called a friend to see how they are doing, she was having surgery on her neck and the person that answered the phone told me to never call again. The thing is it was my phone that I have paid for her for the past three years.
I Am Trying to Lose WeightToday I had a doctor's appointment and in 3 months I lost 25 lbs. Still have 90lbs to go.
I Am SadI am so sad cause I think I am someone's one night stand and they don't have a clue how I feel. Supposedly we are going to meet each other this summer but already I like the company when were together. I shared my feeling towards them but nothing in... See More ยป
I Am Giving UpI am going to be homeless on March 16th and my family doesn't care about where I am going to live. I am so sad going through this.