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Do you remember your first kiss? ๐Ÿ’‹

Sit down on my couch ๐Ÿ›‹๏ธ and tell me all about it?
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My best friend was over at my house in the country and we were โ€œpracticing for boys.โ€ She might have been. Ha ha. But the only lips I wanted was hers. Turns out mine were good too as it turned into a in the closet relationship until her parents moved to another town that following summer. I was devastated and so alone in our rural town and it turned into a real depression as back in the closet I went.
being ยท 36-40, F
Aww it was soooo cute..... I've forgotten about it almost...high school, at a party. I was actually seating on a couch. I was wearing braces ..i liked him a lot! It was nice, very nice actually:) A pity our thing only lasted for a month or so โค๏ธ
@being Aww that is very cute.
DarkSideoftheMoon ยท 36-40, F
My first kiss was actually with a boy i grew up with. We had all the same classes since kindergarten. In 7th grade we randomly just started making out. Hormones? We didnt date and i didnt like him like that but it just felt right. Sadly, thats the last year i ever saw him again. I didnt really think that was my actual first kiss because there was no tongue. But now as an adult i know that was definitely my first kiss. I just didnt realize adults didnt really have their tongues down eachothers throats everytime theyd kiss.
@DarkSideoftheMoon My first one was an innocent one too. No tongue. Still counts though
thepreposterouspanda ยท 36-40, M
Yup. We were 13 and had gone to see the Rollerball remake (not sure why she decided that was the film to see, but it happened XD ). Sitting in the front row, so I'm sure the entire theater got to see me nervously muster up the courage for the kiss. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Queendragonfly ยท 31-35, F
We met through an online draw and guess game. He lived 5 hours away. We had our first kiss in the backseat of mom's car on the bus station and my long hair got stuck in the Velcro on his jacket.
exexec ยท 70-79, C
Yes. We were 15 in the backseat of a friend's car. She forced me! I loved it. She was terribly disappointed (as noted in her diary).
HellsBelle ยท 36-40, F
yeah. he said "you know you want to".

@HellsBelle Sounds like exactly my type of red flag back in the day
DaveE54 ยท 56-60, MVIP
Behind the back if the sofa with the next door neighbour we were 6!
TrashCat ยท M
Yep. Every time I get a cold sore on my lip
Lilymoon ยท F
Slobbery and too much tongue ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Mooed78 ยท F
Yes.. he nearly choked me with his tongue lol
@Mooed78 He tried
Mooed78 ยท F
@Notladylike He certainly did
BobbyMoeven ยท 51-55, M
@Mooed78 my first kiss was the same , it eas at my first school dance, and she almost choked me with her tongue ...

I was soo disappointed ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
mindless ยท M
total disaster
Alyosha ยท 31-35, M
It was in a hotel in Portland. She was all in red with fishnets and boots. I was entranced.
BobbyMoeven ยท 51-55, M


That was your first kiss ??
Alyosha ยท 31-35, M
@BobbyMoeven Yes. I was 22.
CheekyBadger ยท M
I think it might have been on a spin the bottle game but I'm not really sure
Vix3n ยท 36-40, F
Yes i do...
Was my first boyfriend... we were waiting for the bus to go home.
It was near someones rose bushes
uncalled4 ยท 56-60, M
I was a DJ at a roller rink(my parents owned it), she was someone who came to skate there. I used to take her to the DJ booth. I put on a long record and, well....it was music!
DunningKruger ยท 61-69, M
BobbyMoeven ยท 51-55, M
Same ...

Possibly we were both the victim of the same slobbery kisser ?
val70 ยท 51-55
Way too much anything. I got tongue sucked out of necessity
empanadas ยท 31-35, M
I was 5 years old with this mexican girl from Pre-K.

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