Because Satanism is portrayed in many different ways that a lot of people fear. I have studied many religions and Satanism is the one I can't find anything conclusive on. Sometimes it's a peaceful group, sometimes they're terrorizing the neighborhood.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Well not everyone wants to be sacrifice on the altar but I imagine some women would find that attractive, just gotta find the right one.
NYCChick · 31-35, F
not to sound mean or anything but if somebody told me that on a date i would say thats wierd and be like well i got use the bathroom and then i would bounce
666Maggotz · F
Because a lot of predatory men lurk in Satanism. Coming from someone who follows the left hand path too, it’s a true stereotype for you men.
Sevendays · M
How do prunes like it?
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Fear of being sacrificed.

Fear of being exorcized.

Fear of being exorcized.

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Could have something to do with Christianity. 🤣
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
God just had a better press agent 🤷♂
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Well, let's consider all the positive and beautiful things that Satan has done and stands for... 🤔
Nimbus · M
Dark coloured clothing is depressing.
They simply didn't had faith in Satan.
Maybe they dont want to be murdered in the moonlight or whatever
Tumbleweed · F
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Probably because they are not hot gothic.Women who are into graveyard sex
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