TexChik · F
I think meeting people that friends introduce, or at parties, dances, or dance clubs is much preferred. The eye test matters. Seeing how they behave around others matters. Seeing how they can carry on a conversation, how they speak, and their general intelligence matters.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Great for finding male truck drivers with a secret passion for posing as girls in their 20s
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I tried Match and met my future wife. We'll have been dating for five years this October. I just got engaged in June.
I suggest paid sites where direct contact/messaging is easy - and a site not known for hookups. If you’re just looking to hookup, there are better sites.
I suggest paid sites where direct contact/messaging is easy - and a site not known for hookups. If you’re just looking to hookup, there are better sites.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Dating apps in particular are rife with problems, but it is rapidly outpacing all other methods people use to find their partner.
It can be a waste of time is you're not physically attractive, especially for men, but given the rise in gym culture, photo filters, fast fashion, and selfies, people these days have no qualms about being superficial.
It can be a waste of time is you're not physically attractive, especially for men, but given the rise in gym culture, photo filters, fast fashion, and selfies, people these days have no qualms about being superficial.
Northwest · M
It's exactly like any other kind of dating.
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Fluffybull · F
@shanec Agree. More contrived. Also probably different demographic use online dating.
DDonde · 31-35, M
There's a profit motive for them to design it such that you keep coming back but you never find anything long-lasting.
It's been a long time since I tried a dating app, but I never got anywhere with them previously.
It's been a long time since I tried a dating app, but I never got anywhere with them previously.
SpaceJesus · 41-45
Depends. Some of them will stick by and chat you up, while others just brush you off. Or just not answer their messages.
shanec · 41-45, M
@SpaceJesus They are full of shallow people with no interest in knowing the person
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@shanec Seems like a lot of them are!
shanec · 41-45, M
@SpaceJesus Yep, women doing unnatural looking selfie poses
Tminus6453 · M
For guys it sucks!