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It depends upon what you're looking for but, if you have to ask the question, you have your answer. You're saying it creeps you out. Why ask strangers to second guess what your gut is telling you isn't right?
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SilentShadow0110 · 31-35, F
@SW-User I agree with you now. Sometimes I wasn't even sure if it was my Gut that's why I get confused with myself. But now I know lol.
@SilentShadow0110 Yeah, I know what you mean. I used to question it all the time and it would always get me into trouble. I don't question it anymore. It's never steered me wrong!
SilentShadow0110 · 31-35, F
@SW-User I'm so surprised that intuition and gut instincts actually real and yes I'm very new to it as you can tell.
eMortal · M
Lol he just told what's a deal breaker for him. Kids! He wants to make sure you're ok with having kids.
If he's an undocumented immigrant he's trying use kids as a ticket to regularize his papers.
If he's an undocumented immigrant he's trying use kids as a ticket to regularize his papers.
Reemar · 31-35, F
Was he older? He might have a kid and was just trying to see how okay you'd be about it...
Reemar · 31-35, F
Oh okay.. Trying to see if you want kids?
SilentShadow0110 · 31-35, F
@Reemar Don't want kids, thanks for answering!
Reemar · 31-35, F
I guess that's why he was asking.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
He's saying that he likes you and he sees a future in a relationship with you. Perhaps he phrased that awkwardly. Your reaction suggests that you don't feel the same about him, which is valid.
abe182 · 46-50, M
I think any question can be asked in a healthy relationship but if it's asked again and again after receiving the answer then yes a red flag.
bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
Uh, kinda weird to say but..... Maybe he's just curious? I dunno the cat so it could be anything. ( ͡° _ʖ ͡ °)
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
First Date?
SilentShadow0110 · 31-35, F
@HoraceGreenley I did, my sisters blocked his ass for me it was funny haha.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@SilentShadow0110 I once had a woman ask me to marry her at the end of a first date.
In case you're wondering there was no second date.
In case you're wondering there was no second date.
SilentShadow0110 · 31-35, F
@HoraceGreenley Fits of giggles Laugh out loud.