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Why don't people like too nice people (honest answers)?

I don't get it. I'm a very nice kind and too nice person and my best friend, close friends and family don't like it. I though you're suppose to be nice. I try so hard to be kind, nice and very nice but some people are difficult to please. My best friend told me I'm trying way too hard and I'm being fake and stop. She told me I'm so boring that it makes her wanna rip her hair off. How am I boring? I'm just being nice. My dad hates me for being too nice and slapped me with reality. He said let people do all the work in chosing when we have outings and I'm being lazy. I leave things unsolved and I always butt into conversations to be nice.
I had a date but I wasn't ask for a second one.
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Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Being too nice isn't bad. It's horrible.

If I were to put it in simple words then it means you're just a meat to a wolf.

I've been nice to people and ended up without nothing. It's not worth being nice whatsoever. Just be yourself and be nice to people who deserve it. Not everybody deserves the nice people in life.
xixgun · M
Be nice, but don’t be a doormat @PoppyLoveLala
@xixgun Okay. My best friend isn't as nice as me and she gets respected a lot more.
xixgun · M
@PoppyLoveLala I’m nice but the instant I stand up for myself or refuse to be shit on, then I become “an asshole”.
People love nice people as long as they feel they can use them. When they refuse to be crapped on all the sudden they act like you had some kind of mental breakdown. “What is wrong with you?!”
That's crazy. I love nice, kind people. I hate rude, ill-mannered people. There is NOTHING wrong with being nice, kind, and well mannered. Don't ever lower your standards for yourself because of other people. Set the bar high.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
Too nice is a facade.
@midnightsun So we should be mean?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Could you clarify this?

He said let people do all the work in chosing when we have outings and I'm being lazy. I leave things unsolved and I always butt into conversations to be nice.

How is this being nice?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I don't wanna be mean

As I have said, being aggressive isn't being mean. And if you look at the "like" someone else agrees with me. A lady at that!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M

How can leaving problems unsolved cause problems? That's obvious really!

If your problems are unsolved you will never be happy.

How can you work on that?

Solve just one thing at a time. Don't wander off and try something else.

Apart of being nice is actually not afflicting your problems on to others.

And not afflicting your problems onto others can only happen if you solve your problems yourself.

You are being mean to others if you don't solve your problems yourself!!!
'Nice' people represent the backbone of any society! Those other types - 'gangstas', I think some call them - are pathetic, little ingrates - completely uneducated and unwashed with the i.q of a boiled grape.
@EugenieLaBorgia you think I'm retarded?
@PoppyLoveLala I do not!
Magenta · F
It doesn't seem genuine and comes across as a bit of a mask or for show. Human beings are multi faceted and that includes many emotions and behaviors.
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
some people believe it is insincere. as a society, we value intelligence and wit which is often biting more so. genuine kindness is severely underrated to me. oh also people misidentify being a pushover or floor mat as being "nice" and those are not good qualities.
What you explained goes way beyond simply being nice or kind. If you have to TRY to be nice, it is a put on and false. Peeps who do this seem a bit desperate and have a deep need to be liked by others.
Because it's fake
@SW-User How do you know it's "fake?" That's stupid.
To hell with those people. Just be you! Sounds like they are jealous.
xixgun · M
Because it makes them realize what shits they are
@xixgun Exactly!

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